Im new to the game

Hello, my name is TNT


I’m a long term Xbox player with several hours in BF1/BFV and other massive RNG games like COD/ Star Wars Battlefront 2; I’ve also played several other games like Armored Warfare/War Thunder and some survival games as well…

I have about 10,000 hours across all of the games, plenty of experiences in test server.

So here my takeaway on enlisted as RNG/MMO.

The game has some great mechanics, and they are extremely fun to use while diverging throughout WWII Game. I had some real nostalgia from BF1&5 playing this game for sure. But what is up with all the pay 24.99 for one squad for one faction?? If you wanted to market that better maybe include all 3 factions for, say 14.99?

im fairly new still so forgive me on my input if it’s taken hard at the same time it takes super long to level anything as elite pass player and premium… not mention even free…

the marketing needs to be adjusted. elite pass should be premium pass…
Even if kids want to play free they should have equal guns to fight premium players…



Patience, you do need little padawan, if not to pay you like


First off, WELCOME!! We’re glad to have you join us with enlisted. A word of advice, find a faction you enjoy and Don’t get discouraged when that faction randomly starts winning / losing. Each faction has their ups and downs that seemingly change at random times due to players changing factions.

a quick rundown to the game and it's features/upcoming changes, Some of which you may already know

As for leveling, They have recently addressed this to what degree the community is not sure. But they understand that throughout the entire game there is too much of a grind for a faction let alone 4 of them. So they’re looking to adjust things to make it more acceptable with the community and for newer players. This also includes numerous buffs to silver, item price revisions, and some other things.

  • The game is broken up in tiers, As I’m sure you may have noticed. This keeps the newer players playing with more newer players or others that prefer a lower rating. Battle Rating 1 and 2 Play together, 3 and 4, and 4 and 5. In some cases the newer matchmaking rules default to the old system if a player is left waiting for a match for too long, 1 to 3 and 3 to 5. Battle rating or BR I’m sure you’re familiar with due to the similarities with war thunder, some items moved up or down. The position of the weapon in the tree may not reflect the position of the weapon in the BR. It’s always best to examine the weapon in detail looking at its stat card.

  • Premium squads, are generally supposed to be early unlocks. The things in the tech tree are supposed to become better than the premium equipment available for purchase At least in most cases. There are a few rare cases where a faction is missing out on a piece of equipment unless you purchase it through a premium squad such as weaponized APCs. Premium squads usually have something unique about them, While many do agree that they are overpriced they’re usually sold individually squad for squad or in the event of the rocky steam launch Early this year there was an enlisted bundle where you could obtain six squads for $100. This was called the reinforced bundle and more recently it was removed with the relaunch on steam. They do occasionally have sales two to three times a year discounting many if not all squads to 50% off. We have not had a sale for a while so one should be incoming, They usually do one near the end of summer.

  • There is plenty of events in this game that giveaway weapons and entire squads for free just for playing. we have gotten engineer squads with assault rifles, paratroopers, high capacity LMGs (200 round M2 Stinger for the Allies), unique vehicles, as well as many other things. The event squads can sometimes be a major game changer for free players, or anyone unable to or unwilling to spend money on this game provided their willing to put in a little bit of effort to unlock it during the event time.

They also have a veterans box as they call it coming which will have all of the past event stuff in it available for purchase of in-game currency costing nothing to the player other than their time spent to earn the silver.

  • Battle Pass, They have tried to remix rewards and recreate an impactful yet beneficial battle pass while the formula may not be perfect they’re still working on it. I will agree personally that the battle pass And it’s separate charge has created issues for some players. With the battle pass you can do up to 9 challenges a day, that would allow you to advance three full battle pass levels every day. Without the battle pass you would only be able to advance a single stage after completing three challenges. There are numerous other ways to complete stages during each season, there are season challenges that unlock on a weekly basis that allow you to earn some progress toward the battle pass.

This is just a quick rundown, Some of which you may already be aware of. Once again welcome to the enlisted community!

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Yes best tipp is buy only in November-December/May when 50 % off sale

Buy only units you can use in lategame aswell as in beginnings so compare the stats of the premium with the once in techtree (For example StG45 (M) is worser than in techtree)

Level Engineer at best Engineer II sqaud and get Mannlicher/Browning-Auto-5/Winchester/Ariskatyp38 they fast firering boltactions in any faction good to start and carry you out for beginn


Welcome, fellow BF1/V enjoyer!

Enlisted is the game where I migrated to from BFV when I had enough Japanese girls crouch sliding through Norwegian mountains wielding postwar golden MAS-44.

Ironically enough, back then Enlisted was a breath of fresh air with structured campaigns, next to no fake/fantasy stuff.
In short, in the Battle of Moscow BT-7 was actually a menace, and it felt awesome.

Fast forward to 2024 and we have German Panther tank disguised as American M10 from 1944 in the streets of Stalingrad 1942 against Soviets with AS-44 which was never even used in WW2.
Hello, BFV my old friend I guess.

Anyway, if I can tell you a couple things from my 3-4 years with Enlisted, it would be that you don’t need to buy any premium squads, and that they are insanely overpriced, and that by the most part they don’t offer anything you can’t get for free (except some scummy game mechanic locks like paratroopers).

Premium squads are only barely viable with 50% off discounts that usually happen 2 times per year.

And only if you really want something, like Soviet female medics squad - for the enjoyment, not for gameplay advantage.

The only thing that’s really worth it is Premium Time and probably Squad Slots: faster grind, more flexibility and not outrageously priced.


Yes squad slots are a big help, They used to be locked behind the premium time but more recently they changed it so anyone can obtain the squad slots which is a major positive improvement. It will allow you up to 10 squads or 11 squads if you have a premium squad. Those slots must be purchased individually for each faction.

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Welcome to this beautiful place where You can share your opinion about the Game and suggest ideas, but for the moment have fun and play all the factions select your favorite one and Start You grind : ) (psst You should select Germany is a little bit hard but if You alredy have a 10.000 playing games this should be easy for You), consider unlock the engginer class as soon as possible and build rallies this Will help your team to capture objectives and it gives score which gives research points that can be used for unlocking new weapons and vehicles

: )

Have fun

Welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

One day devmans will just have per-map historically restricted loadouts for each player

For me it says I can only have one vehicle unless i buy premium.

only have 4 squad unless I buy premium…

then bought the premium to help a little, but i assume we lose all the bonus feature like extra squads and such.

So once my premium is up its back to the basics and getting overpowered by those who have more options. Like from a New Player perspective it should be balanced & not pay to win. you can’t unlock extra slots unless you pay money for them either way…

Sorry if miss something, but I’ve tried to buy the slots and it ask for gold which can’t be earn in game right? u

Feels easy to me, gewehr’s as starter weapons say less LMAO.

In bf1 i had 10k kills with bolt action rifles, my first day on enlisted it was over it was about 3-400 while being in the top 3(which t

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Yes the extra slots must be purchased either way, you get two with a premium purchase. When premium expires you lose those two, But you are able to permanently purchase squad slots. You start with three infantry, and a vehicle slot. Which I do agree they should increase it to a total of five slots four can be used as infantry and two can be used as vehicles This way you can mix and match if you want four infantry and one vehicle or three infantry and two vehicles for your maximum of five. This same suggestion was made many times by players. I believe it is 490 gold for a slot. They increase each time you obtain a slot. You are able to have a maximum of 11 slots per faction, 10 for regular squads and one for a premium squad.

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---- which really made me wonder if i was playing bots the entire time XD

it feels a lot of new players are coming here without a clue how to play or shoot.

The game does give great hints but at major drawbacks to feeling like you’re not progressing.

EA’s premium was a one-time purchase that provided battlepass and xp bonuses, while giving small advantages to earning the higher tier rewards. Special Guns were in boxes and obtainable while playing the game. The bundles were no different than the squads enlisted is trying to sell, that nobody buys compared to bf1’s gun bundles :grimacing:

So if they want feedback;

Make battlepass and premuim the same thing at one time purchases.
-Helps keep the player base healthy.
Make bundles instead of single items that were going to pickup/play with for few minutes and never touch again @ 24.99 each :melting_face:
-this will ensure someone might want to purchase these bundles for good use and FUN.
Make Money by putting up more content and releasing dlcs…

BF1 was multimillion dollar game that players love and had millions in the community supporting these marketing strategies…

They were supposed to be at some point working on an improved tutorial not just for the UI but for the in-game world. This was announced a while back but I’m not sure if they forgot about it or they had other priorities they had to deal with. It had to do with a practice range in my opinion they need to make someone complete shooting tutorials with a practice range first before proceeding to do their first match. This way it will help a player understand more of the in-game mechanics.

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Well the drawback is you unlock the squads as you play so revisiting the tutorial 10 times isn’t we’re likely going to do while were already facing it on the battlefield…

tutorial is supposed to prepare the player for everything they might face in the game at the START of the game lol

new player only making 3k exp per game before we bought anything.

Player’s would have to be literally yoda species to accomplish unlocking vg1-5 at 3k per round at max if you win and place top 95% of the time :melting_face:

What I’m referring to is doing all the tutorials before your first match you don’t play multiplayer until all of your tutorials are done. That’s what I’m getting at, This way it can teach someone how to play the game properly. Though what would help is if they decided to allow the shooting range to have some AI that you can shoot at. There was discussions at one point but I have no clue where that idea wound up, it was considered at one point about reworking the practice range The most I’ve seen them do is change positions of a single ammo box so I know the devs have played with the practice range at least once in the last 6 months.

here are some tips:

  • you can play free, but prepare for long grind. in 95% of the game you wont be at any disadvantage over premium players in game. that 5% is when you could use second vehicle slot that premium players have access to.
  • premium helps halve the grind and gets you 2 extra squad slots (1 extra for vehicle). sales are usually november/may so you can get 1 year of premium for 20$/€
  • premium squads are usually same or worse than their tech tree counterpart, although there exists few with some unique mechanisms and/or relatively OP weapons compared to tech tree.
  • most important soldier class is engineer, so grind it first. rally points win the games.
  • zerg rush cap(best with assaulters/medics). dont snipe.
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