If we can't make 0 MM, then hard lock BR V to be 0 MM

getting raped by Hei auto and Tokyo SMG wielded by insane jap high on meth isn’t fun especially when you only have M1 Garand, so


it’s a no brainer move that should be prioritized but DF rather release out of place chinese squads out of the blue lol


There’s no II-IV…

And THANK GOD for that.


USSR and Axis got II-IV and most of the time the team is doing fine during uptiers, However, Allied III for some reason is extraordinarily hard on uptiers even when I fully commit on playing engineer/AT

DF doesn’t care, people have been complaining about this for the past couple years and all we get fed is, “there isn’t enough players”. So, people just desert when DF punks them up two levels. I usually just skip level three Allies altogether even though it is my favorite squad and level to play, but when I get Japanese there is a very high likelihood they are level five. A couple nights ago, same, I fired up my level three Allies, got level five Japs in Burma and for the first time in a long time, I didn’t desert as I was trying to get machine gun kills for my daily objective and had four BAR squads. Anyway, It was a slaughter as my M1 Garands are no match. So, I will only play Germans for the most part when I want to play level three Allies, if I get Japs, I just desert when I see my first level five weapon.

If DF was going to change it, they would have done it by now considering how long and how many people have been complaining about it.

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No… they do not.

Pure br2, cannot meet br4. This one isn’t a soft rule.

Br2 can only meet br1 & br3.

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oh yeah my mistake



releasing custom match is a mistake and now squad players must pay for it because “lack of playerbase”

Yeah, let’s just kill off BR3 completely then.

+/- 0 MM is best solution. Anything beyond that defeats any purpose of the BR system in the first place.


III can pretty much fight against IV because the lack of SF rifles. However, i agree that 0 MM is the most ideal. I just dont have faith in DF to do such no-brainer move

There you go!

Eheh. The only problem would be to turn br4 into an automatic uptier br, that every vet would pick to annoy br 3.

Right now, ppl avoid 4 so not so many ppl see how potent br4 is.

A pure br +/-1, until the perfect +/-0 would still be best :thinking:

Thought SF rifles annoy me greatly. I’d create br6 just to put them all there…


shit man I wouldn’t want to use Johnson just to get raped by Hei auto so right now I’m sticking with M1 Garand and M9 Bazooka across my squads, however on the off chance of uptier to BR V it’s almost always losing fight especially against Japan. I am so tired of spending my matches between building rallies when no one else would and getting hosed by schizophrenic players who happened to cycle 9 man rifleman squad all armed with type hei autos

It MIGHT sound unfair…

But if you ever find yourself in a team of pure br5 allies players on the ground…

… Allies will win. Hei sounds terrifying, but it’s not much when your side also have T20 + m2. And p47. And Persh. And Hyde! Hyde is so good!

Japan only really got Hei, ok lmgs and good smgs (for short distance)

Believe me. Allies are powerful. It’s just there’s way less Japan players, so they tend to flock togheter in higher br, where they stand a chance against lower tiers :stuck_out_tongue:

i guess this is a me problem but I haven’t touched BR V for a year or so and not planning to do so. It’ll be nice to have a BR where’s its’s the closest you can be to your average WW2 equipment. Although, in doing so there must be a lot of changes especially Japanese type 38 and 99 to be able to catch up with Allied M1 Garand

I agree 100% with you but only when it’s either BR III against japan or no BR restriction against germany lol. Most of the time german players are so desperate to clutch on that win rate they will leave the game after second or third cap captured

Ive proposed exactly this BR distribution since the merge happened.
DF simply doesnt listen.

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I think the laziest solution would be raise weapons accuracy by lowering a lot the dispersion, if BR1/2/3 gun can be precise as BR4/5 there would be more freedom in the equipment choice and better gun play for everyone


I remember when br 1 players due a BUG end in br 5 games

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Idk… I have no issues with firearms, it’s just… sf rifles. Eeeeverywhere in br5! All factions only spam those! T20, fg, avs, hei… seriously, assault rifles are in minority in br5! That’s silly…

I’d create br6 just to for sf rifles, with +/-1 to be fair. So br4 would be free of them, but could still face big vehicles and assault rifles, br 5 could perhaps troll 4, but be trolled by 6. And those in br6 would be sweaty and greasy. And smelly too. And unclean. And fat, to boot.



But It would be nice if all Smg would be kinda accurate as the ppsh box, I say recoil, bullet drop and rof stats should be sufficient to diversify the shooting, dispersion is kinda too much rng for my taste

what could also be done, is moving many BR4 vehicles into BR5, creating more space for lower BR vehicles to shine and move around, while at the same time moving alot of lower power BR5 guns to BR4 like Thompson 50, PPSH or MKB, while also moving semi auto guns back in BRs.

Also, perhaps moving the now top rated AT launchers up to BR5, while moving something like Panzerfaust 60 to BR4, and adding a new Panzerfaust 30 to the game.

There are alot of ways the BRs can be moved around. This topic can lead to a lot of creativity.

Meh, smgs are accurate enough, it’s the box ppsh that is too accurate but won’t be fixed (favouritism).

Besides. Smgs are for peasants. Elites use semis. But nobles use bolt actions. Lords only use pistols. But they’re dwarfed by the kings who use swords.

If sf rifles were to be bumped in br6, I’d lower some smgs to 4 at least, thought. Like ppd40, and Kiraly. Some ask for the mkb… but I’m not sure about that one and will abstain.