If we can't fix explosives in the game can we have a replacement for the FG42 Grenade launcher

Thought the gimmick was jumping out of a perfectly good plane

I’m almost solely infantry gaming myself. I go most matches without getting into a vehicle more than one or twice if ever at all

If they fix it we’ll be back to the explosive spam of old

When every other faction has paratroopers besides the Japanese it means it’s not that special anymore and it just comes down to the weapon

Japan has Paras they got it from event the gun was Type 100 rifle (Not SMG)

I know I have it and unfortunately not many people got it so there’s not many of us so overall Japan needs another event paratrooper squad and one they can buy


But they deserve a premium one though as all other nations


Whatever you say buddy. Don’t see how a 100 round Thompson is supposed to be good enough to carry a gimmick, but ok

You really need to read the topic so you know what you’re talking about because I’m talking about this event squad for the allies which has six of them

I try to bring one of each. There’s some I cannot take because paratroopers, troop transports, motorcycles, mortars, flamethrowers, radiomen, riflemen, assaulters, snipers, gunners, engineers, tanks, fighter planes, bomber planes,

Are more squad types than the maximum 10.

But I never ever bring twice of the same type. I’m all about mixed arms and the fun I can get with each.

I’m not the boring meta only guy…


I will literally never care about the Red Coat paratrooper squad

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Good for you I guess but you’re not the only one who plays this game and this is a forum where we make suggestions

I never bought extra squads (don’t need em, ruins the only tactical part of the game being “what squad should I bring?”) and at this point I’ve settled on MG squad, Assault Squad, and AT Squad for maximum versatility. 2 squads can rain HE. 2 squads can build both rally points and their respective guns. All 3 squads are built to bully enemy armor support. It’s beautiful. I can swap the AT Squad for either Engie or Radio Op Squads if I feel like it

That’s not tactical, that’s artificial limits to entice players to spend more. Do not confuse :stuck_out_tongue:

Real tactics are things like “where should I build rp, should I flank this way? Should I, instead of rushing, defend the cap zone? Should I disrupt their reinforcements lines with a designated marksman or gunner? Should I soften the cap zone with mortars for the team? Should I smoke barrage with radio? Should I hunt down tanks hurting my team? Shoul I hurt the enemy team with tank support? Should I bomb the field to oblivion or bomb vehicles? Should I secure air supremacy to deny bomber support for the enemy team while allowing ours (I love doing that)? Should I go hide a transport behind lines? Should I paradrop at some flank even thought paratroopers got overnerfed because of whining *itches? Should I provide body count in a cap with 9 riflemen to cap faster? Should I build defenses? Build mgs or AT guns? Should I man AA?”


Should I be some assault zerg pressing W.

See? I’m getting a bit older, my reflexes are maybe slower. But I do play smarter than a good majority of plebs here. (Probably why I see no issues with old meta grenade launchers :stuck_out_tongue:)


Guess I mainly just rely on what’s become almost second nature for me now when I play. I kinda mindlessly get stuff done. Every so often I’ll contemplate should I do X or Y in the middle of a match I suppose such as trying to kill enemy tank or just focus on point.

No, this is a forum where you endlessly whine and complain.

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My second favourite type of game are tactical games with a bit of management (not the fast paced mouse mashing games like starcraft) but the ones you must really think through before taking actions.

I suppose it reflects in my playing style here :thinking: I succeed with smarts, not reflexes or zerg in a line with automatics and hope youre faster way.

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I may endlessly whine and complain but at least I’m pointing out problems or things that should be fixed But unfortunately with how archaic or brain damage this forum is we can never get anything done or we keep sides down on purpose for artificial balancing

Love me a good strategy game

yea i love RTS the most tbh that probably why i like to build in enlisted

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I see this “short” magazine coming up on the forum for both the FG 42 and the StG 44 (and its predecessors MKb 42, MP 43, MP 43/1, MP 44) from people that do not know why these “short” low capacity magazines existed, for whom they were made and by whom they were used.

These “short” magazines for both the FG 42 and the StG 44 (and its predecessors MKb 42, MP 43, MP 43/1, MP 44) were NEVER ISSUED for combat, NEVER USED in combat, NOT DEVELOPED FOR combat and NEVER INTENDED to be issued for combat either. Instead they were only used in factories by factory personnel.

In other words these “short” magazines were made by and for the factories for weapon testing, weapon sighting etc.

In good books you will see photograpsh taken in WW2 that show why these “short” magazines were used by the engineers and the factory personnel. They were used in sighting and testing machines and during weapon fire testing for which the actual “long” high capacity combat magazines were considered either not necessary or that they would get “in the way” in the machines used in the factory for the testing, sighting etc.

I have WW2 photographs of them in several books, but I would have to scan them to show them here.

What I can show you instead, as an example, are some images of the kind of equipment used nowadays for testing, sighting etc. which essentially is the same in function as what was used in WW2.