another gajjin bot
damn you already lost your credibility at previous discussion ,
… these are real issues " not my essential need" …
… i am already a good playr and i m thinking about newbies
Gold rank players are often overestimated, you do not need them in most cases and being honest even a regular silver boy can whip them around if he puts in enough effort. Hell you can even beat a golden stack of chinese, just have to forget about wetting yourself before the match even starts.
2nd example. Practically only 1 gold on each side and you can see most silver ranked players were quite capable on both sides, GE were slightly better than Soviets. So stop feeding the “but muh gold ranks” stereotype and just try, this bs almost feels like the “Tigerphobia” with the Westerners in WW2.
Lol you can literally see gold rank player have higher score.
Most sliver rank on your team performs worse then the gold one.
Lol how can you call it an example? The top 1 from both team are gold rank. This only show sliver rank is quite capable against sliver rank and gold rank player is better than sliver.
I see a silver guy on in the 1st place. Might be my eyes deceiving me, but I am sure I see correct. Secondly, yes in that match they did, but even gong 21/9 or 20/7 against such a match up is considerable improvement against regular 5/12 but hey, still room to grow.
The difference in this match is not as wide as usually. Being honest I can vouch for those 3 silvers in the 2nd-4th that they were above the combat skill of a regular gold opponent and clearly they were since they outperformed the guys on my side. The only reason gold are often dominating leaderboards is usage of vehicles with hardly any counter from silver players. Learn to take those out and force them on infantry and you can slap them around easily.
Yes thank you mister “I know everything and see people’s intentions”. Though interestingly enough they pushed us to the last point and only lost by a sliver remaining. Seems kinda not like not taking the match seriously. But hey, I only played the match, not like I have the vision of a seer.
Lol you only see the sliver guy on the first place, but what about those sliver guys below the 3 gold rank players? So you just gonna ignore other sliver guys?
What do you mean by those number?
So what? This picture hardly tell anything. This is all from your word that are yet to be verified.
HnG has a legacy despite all of its issues, and people want(ed) a HnG 2, they even tried to make a HnG 2 with a kickstarter but the new publisher was fishy and they wanted 8m shekels, which is insane. Still, they got like 260k or so at its peak.
Enlisted… nobody knows and cares about Enlisted outside Gajin plebs. I am pretty sure that at least 80% of the non-console plebs also play or played at least War Thunder. And that is pretty much it.
Case and Point: This, sir, is the most sucessfull CC for Enlisted content.
Ever heard of KD (Kill/Death)? Secondly yes I see them. In a situation they were in, a match most normal golds leave just straight out of fear of chinese stacks, they performed admirably. One of them even had 1.4 cap participation, meaning he managed to breakthrough and stay alive for quite a while, a very good job on his part some golds could not even do.
I mean it shows some guys performing above average for their “ranks” is all. As for my opinion of them, that is individual.
Though still like I said, people put too much leverage on a “shiny” rank. It is not a rank that makes the play, but the person. I can switch to my second account with silver rank and do just as good as I do on my main. Supporting any idea of “gold ranks” being superior is plain hurtful towards the well-being of playerbase and causes unnecessary fear and desertions, while also creating unwanted expectations. I would prefer ranks just not being visible until the match results for these reasons.
I literally see 3 sliver rank desert and only 1 gold rank desert on his team.
Lol some random assumption come out of nowhere, all I see is they perform worse then those gold rank.
You can’t use an example of sliver rank vs sliver rank to say anything about gold rank. For example, an average player may seems pro by fighting noobs. But you can’t use this result to predict his performance when against pro.
Lol how many players actually do it?
If gold rank really means nothing why should they ran in the first place?
They have such reaction because they have been stomp by gold rank players too many times.
My Highness, I still had other points I would like to get a response and not just your easy-way out ones:
Where is the superior Enlisted marketing campaign? Why has the most sucessfull marketing game like three or four CCs with 30k subs?
Why is HLL dying? And why is not Enlisted considered dying when it struggles to get filled matches in pretty much most part of its existence?
If Enlisted makes more than Enlisted, why cant they make the game better or have a existing marketing campaign? Why did we need to wait three years to have somewhat working bipods?
Why does no one care about Enlisted outside Snail community despite its superior marketing and being so unique that even indie games like Easy Red had its design years ago?
Funny because I also want to know where my Stalingrad perks went. Or where the Stalingrad campaign is.
Yes, HnG failed as a game for like 10 years or so (funny enough they didnt rely on bot players to replace players for the most part) and yet it still has a community and people want a sequel. It also had far more players at its peak than Enlisted. Marketing-wise, it was probably as superior as Enlisted Marketing because I saw ads like four times or so and they relied on smaller CCs, but to their credit they also did livestreams etc. and used to have interesting dev videos. You also knew most of the devs which helped to create a bond. I think DF never did them and Keofox was not a good community manager and only once or twice did we hear from the actual devs and that usually when shit hit the fan.
In three years player count went from 212k (according to event “data” from devs) to 250 or 260k after merge and vast majority of players play once a week and do not spend money. Despite superior gameplay and marketing campaign, all we get was a growth of roughly 15% in three years. Wow.
HLL made a nine-digit revenue and people care more about it than Enlisted, but look at this graph
(And lets not forget that Steam numbers ofc also include Epic launcher or consoles)
Cleary a sign of death because that looks bad. I think only Tesla shares look worse than this obviously dying game.
And I see 3 golds deserting on the US team, while all their silvers stayed.
Performance is neither KD nor tied to score only. You can have a cannon fodder guy, but if he takes all caps, who really won the game in the end? Sure a camping gold might have had a hand in it, but he was not exactly the one trying to cross a street while under heavy fire was he?
I mean people feed this stupid mindset and it will only get worse, like c’mon a loss is not a bad thing to experience. Why should you run from a challenge just because you got battered previously? How tf do you expect to get better by giving up? Would you do the same in sport? Just give up a match prematurely because of a strong opponent? Hell if people are so incapable of facing challenges why not make this game PVE, so we can play with only one-hand and still win.
Lol do you even remember what situation are you talking about. They are on the same team as the Chinese stack.
Only 12 cap kill, can he cap the zone if those gold rank player didn’t clear the zone for him. Not to mention there is a gold rank guy with higher cap number. I feel like you don’t have much to say for those sliver rank player, so you are using some weird examples.
Wait, you can’t even see the rank of enemy on score board during battle.
They were not, the chinese were on US. Give it a look. GE had 3 silvers and 1 gold leave. US had 3 golds leave while no silver left.
Can the gold player cap the zone by being 100 meters away on a flank, nope, so these two clearly need each other regardless of who gets the awards at the end. As to those specific silver players, yeah their perfomance is not comparable to that of a gold if that is what you seek, but it is not worthless either. Nonetheless they tried, perfomance might have been poor, but they already passed by not giving up in the first place.
Actually, thanks for the discussion, I already got a decent idea for reward improvements that could make it more appealing to stay in less balanced matches for silvers particularly. Gonna look further into it.
You definitely can at the start of a match, before first spawn-in and in the kill log during the match, shows how much you play/have know-how.
Well we shall see after 2 years my friend no doubt great future for the game that has no idea where its going… and I would not keep Tesla shares for too long …they are risky investment I made enough money from NVIDA to know not to keep my money there for too long also…