If these changes were not done, then enlisted will be another dead game

1.>Merge and the GRIND

I really supported the merge , and really worked … getting matchmaking lesser than 30 second.


GRIND … playing mostly as german and allied … after we got merge update … look how fked my tech tree

(i managed to reach fg 42 in month after the merge)


after the merge and seeing this , i litreally left the german faction and started a new grind in soviet. look my soviet tree (took me three months)

got frustrated when i saw i had not too research but also to buy another plane to get my beloved be 110 g2( 15000 silver)
as a old player , this is normal for me, But what about new players who are trying this game after steam release, do you really think they r gonna spend there time in this grind , and then buy all the stuff.

my suggestion - either increase the gain of RP or lesser the cost of RP… after tier 2 its
- increase the silver gain, (bro comeon its very less earning must be equal to RP)
- lesser the cost of guns and equipments like axe , binoculars ,explosion packs

2. Premium

Back in my days enlisted was really good at intrroducing premium vehicles ,
now they bringing shits like pz 38 , fw 90, flak bus and some other vehicles

Vehicles like Erstaz M10, Pz Sfl,Calliope,Firefly, t34 85 e, Kv 2 etc. were rare in ww2 and making them premium is good idea

But why this

M24,Churchill, Stug III , Pz 38t, Chi ha and Chi he are premium

…who buys pz 38, it should be in tier 1 tech tree … Chi ha was another iconic japanese tank which u guys made premium…

its simple ,
Premium= rare in battle field

also rare vehicles like t34 57 are free

a. Already talked about this ,

I was sure that you guys definetly gonna introudce apc to the game ,
Why you made this premium?, Dont you know it was such a iconic german apc used in combined arms tactis .
If free = f2p guys use this = normal to see and diversity in battlefiled = historical
But its premium = rare to see this= very rare (that event apc with at gun is normal but not this)

b. Soviets have gaz, America have studebraker, japanese have isuzu and german have this garbage :rofl: :rofl: ,

Where is Opel Blitz?


i am pretty sure not introducing this iconic truck was intentionally done bcoz of the fact the buffed Sd.Kfz7 's speed

3. Devs should encourage players to play all faction, many players like me only focused on some factions…

Because of —
-Good player base for eg i play at 10 am utc, allies have really good player base at that time while soviets are loosing every single match also Germans have decent players…

  • Good starter weapons, (accroding to me soviet is the best faction)

(further loosing so many games causes players to frustrate and deserting the match, REMEMBER ITS NOT THE SKILLISSUE, ITS THE TEAM ISSUE… Before bringing desertion penalty first fix your matchmaking… nobdy wants to play against 4-5 marshal rank holders while your team having bunch of colonel or lieutenants, and i suggest those console guys should have their own matchmaking)

1.Japanese’s both tank and plane’s tech tree needs to be reworked, atleast introduce more planes.

2.German iconic mg42 is nerfed with 50 round mag (i also agree the fact that the best tier 3 mg )

  1. Soviets sub machine guns are too over powered ,( i knew , when used to bring 2 assualter and 1 medic squad in tier 1-3 matches dominating every single match)
    . pps 42 and 43 needs to be nerfed

  2. Both German and Soviet fighter should get better payload like 250 kg bombs or something no one fly with cannons?

5.Armored cars or tankettes should be introudced in BR 1

  1. Killcams needs to be improved( cant see a guy sniping from far )

  2. Greyzone tank and at camping should be fixed,( not every team has a good pilot )

  3. Rifle grenade launcher spammers , limit the amount of grenade launcher rifle

  4. Fix the FOV for CAS.

  5. Engineer event needed for americans and japanese.

11.Need Paratroopers as free squad, also make their plane slow and it should have red marked so that fighter can kill it before landing.

( I got some shots by fighter but i killed it, somehow i managed to land it on ground (succesful landing also i survived )… but enemy pilot got a kill WHY… fix this. )

If we got some damage but somehow managed to land my plane enemy fighter should nt get kill other wise what is the purpose of having landing flaps and gears???


What Enlisted is the best WW 2 shooter at the market at the moment it has best marketing from all the other games so they don’t have same problem with money like the rest of WW 2 games.


yes its best f2p shooter but i dont think there marketing is really that good…
btw my first gajjin game was WT ,i played warthunder bcoz of the ad came on website

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Warthunder is the game about grind.

Enlisted, on the other hand, is pretty ok in terms of grind, imo.
Compared to Warthunder, at least.


Ok show me better world war 2 game that makes more money the problem with the rest is that they can’t sell you nothing …so they don’t make money and eventually die I can name you many games Heroes and Generals now Post Scriptum is dying next one is Hell let loose let me tell you Enlisted will outlive them all do to the grind and not restrictions what can be added so this give them a lot of room to cash in.

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Also Enlisted will live much longer because it can drink blood of Warthunder.

While warthunder is alive - most Gaijin games will be… alive.


Yes they have the right formula to make money

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Hell let loose,

u guys dont understanding, i want only some vehicles and apc to be free,

There are free apcs for every nation and i think more will be added in future.

In terms of vehicles - what vehicles would you like to see as tech tree ones?

Well yes I understand and I agree with you but this isn’t gonna kill the game there is also events so I got 2 apcs for free from events better then what I can buy with money I would love to have better apcs in the tech tree also but will this be the end of Enlisted ? No and Hell let loose have 3 - 4 years more and its R.I.P. and this is optimistic

I heard that it is dying already :+1:


Well, HLL on steam has 6k daily max online, while Enlisted only on Steam has 4.5k, i think another 2 or 3k can be summed from launcher players that are not shown in steam statistics. So, Enlisted already kinda outcompete HLL?

And also, APCs were just added a half year ago. I think there are plenty of time in future when devs can add more cool APCs and other stuff, huh.


Firefly was not that rare, there were more of them than the Jumbos and yet Jumbos are free to unlock by everyone (only one is premium), I hate as well as you that they made common tanks like Matilda and Churchill, Chi-ha and M24 as a premium.
As you can see Jumbos were super rare

Both PPS are the best Smg of BR2 and honestly i would rather let DF to buff other nation’s smgs, for example they increase their dmg per bullet, buff rof and have less dispersion and recoil compared to it. BR3 balance is even worse since PPSh-41 box is pretty much as strong as the BR5 weapon that can rival Kiraly and win most of the time due having over 3x less of dispersion.

We would need official Italian subtree for the Germans to add that. Otherwise DF wouldn’t want to add just a few tankettes. Soviets already have their BA-11 and ofc it’s a premium.

fix explosions in the game first i need to use 5 nades to kill a single dude same with tanks and HE/Heat

fix drawing distance since you can’t see anything above 500m it just don’t render

Sure but also give us APC event since Soviets and Japan is missing them i even purchased premium APC for Soviets since i got tired of using defenceless truck. PS buff all mgs in vehicles since they overheat too fast.

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Not good marketing I loved Post Scriptum it was looking amazing sadly also didn’t have good marketing strategy :frowning:

Well yes I had to buy it … hope they make the Comet free

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Even if most people going to leave Enlisted they would still keep it alive and make content just focus even more on the premium stuff like Star Conflict.

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Mandatory “But HLL is worse”-PTSD post from Wiedoof.


giphy (6)

That one killed me.
Enlisted has worst marketing in the industry.


i think he is kind of gajjin bot?, isnt it? never heard such appreciation of enlisted

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DF is marketing Enlisted to the ghosts and spirits that’s why we can’t see it anywhere.

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