If I start now can I get the Italian para before the end of the events?

Bro looks like he first fought at the Isonzo in WWI :laughing:

(On second thought, he looks even older than that. May even predate Italian unity itself!)

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It is. But I still wouldn’t mind it to be the paras scoped rifle…

Because most players will use paras as assault, and the Folgore men have flamers… wouldn’t be really unbalanced.

I’d prefer it just because it’s British :thinking:

they come with chestrigs too!


Gotta say…i think the vitality perks make sense for the Lions of Folgore. (paras in general really)

Tough S.O.B’S

YES, they heard us. Fucking love these devs

I got them.

First match was mixed feelings.

The flamethrowers are OK, 100 fuel means that you can’t just spam. You end up using them in aimed bursts as if they were SMGs.

The OG-43 feels decent, too. The low ROF lets those 20 rounds last a little longer than expected.

Still, I felt severely outgunned by Allies high level assault weapons. Thompsons & C. are simply on another level in terms of DPS and squad-wiping potential. A Beretta 38 can compete face to face, an OG-43 just can’t.


I cannot relate to this since I never felt outgunned by anything. But tbh, I cannot relate seeing lot of full autos.
Always just rifles, flamethrowers and Shermans.

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I admit that so far I’ve only played one (lost) match, and the amount and quality of human players on both sides could make a difference, so I may change opinion later.

So far my issue wasn’t a matter of 1 v 1, but rather about squad vs squad.

Indoor, even without flamethrower I could hold my own because I either didn’t have to engage more than 1-2 targets at once, or anyway there was plenty of hard cover to hide behind, thus not only reloading safely but also breaking the aggro of bots.

But in Tunisia sooner or later you gotta cross wide open areas, and there came the pain.

If caught in an engagement in the open against a whole enemy squad, whereas with Berettas I would stand good chances of quickly taking down multiple enemies, I just couldn’t do that with the OG.

It’s about having, or lacking, enough DPS to get the “stun lock” effect where you kill enemy soldiers quickly enough that the player doesn’t have time to react properly. Who achieves that wipes out the other squad.

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That’s the thing. I am currently at level ±23, on level before obtaining G41 squad.
The best progression weapon I can take is mp40 or m1. Can be very subjective what’s better.
And I think I don’t even have option to take any semi weapon yet.
So I was very pleased with this para squad, felt quite strong.

But maybe I am just completely disillusioned.

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Squad is garbage, smg is completely useless and flamethrower can’t compete against allies smg and gonna get nerfed soon. Grinding it was a waste of time. I will be using it only as a mobile engineer/mortar team i see no viability of different loadouts beyond that.

I’m on family vacation this entire week. So I’m gonna have to buy the levels with gold to get them after event ends. Be first event in two years I would have to do it

The event para squad is more than worth the grind, but, I still think, in my humble player opinion that I rather pick premium flamethrowers over them if, I want to use flametrower.

Paras are fun, game changing in most scenarios, usefull and great to grind with “free equipment” from the box,… But I m not sure why I rather use other squads…

I was talking about the fuel, even if is 100 for each flamethrowers you have six of them so 600 fuel who compensate if compared with the progression one

Its a big old maybe.

But yes, on paper, does have more numbers, I mean… Fuel to spare.

On reality, does ai survive to use it?
Does the user select flames over a rally /MG or any other pack?

After a rally is placed, the premium flamethrower squad, imo is still more capable on a 1 to 1 comparison than a squad that Have to survive a 400m drop, decive that the flame is what it’s best.

Not sure, only time and experience on the field will tell for me personaly.

I think I will select rally or MG at the end of the day.

holy fuck, ammo count?