Ideas for enhancing enlisted for further game mods!

allow us to add additional sound files along with the existing sound files:

an example:
soldier voice player: exists
soldier voice 1: exists
soldier voice 2: exists
soldier voice 3: exists
soldier voice 4: not in game
soldier voice 5: not in game
soldier voice 6: not in game
soldier voice 7: not in game
soldier voice 8: not in game
soldier voice 9: not in game
the idea of this is to allow players to add additional sounds instead of having to replace the existing ones, in the case of soldier voices we can have up to 9 soldiers in a squad, that squad being the rifleman squad, and every soldier could have a different voice instead of having the same 3 voices be played constantly, the game gets boring and stale because of this.


It is not possible because Fmod does not allow us to add more than the audio files that are in the game

its dev work add more voicelines to can replace it by sound modders


what we need, is the ability to personally being able to ADD voice lines for eeach soldier as you hinted with this suggestion, and the ability of creating entirely new presets without having to replace older ones.

so that we can create contless voice lines without ever needing to replace current one if needed.

but. i’m afraid that’s a far dream.

thats the dream, to assign voices for every soldier. its not doable now but it could be achieved one day, tho i dont know if that would cause performance issues as the game struggles to load 9 different voicelines if they all coincidentally trigger at once, this is most likely to occur when a enemy grenade is dropped, and the team just drops into a full blown chaos of screaming ‘‘grenade, get down’’

i know its not possible, i was suggesting that the developers make it possible

I think there is also a limit to the number of sounds that can be heard consecutively, but Im not sure

there is, because if its not limited, all we would hear is static due to how many sounds are loaded at once, because the chaos of war tends to be like that in enlisted.

they could limit more of these sounds, such as the ‘‘grenade, get down’’ voiceline, its kinda stupid that 463809462803 soldiers are yelling the same voice line at once

Did prices go up on voice actors who can do American Southern accents and New York Accents?


we should get more southerners

( was planning on making main soldier with these voice, but… not enough lines… )

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you read my mind, we need american soldiers with a southern accent.

they should also include them mentioning their home state with their sentences, for example:

‘‘this one’s from insert southern american state, feller’’

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one thing that made the americans less exciting for me to play is the fact that the player’s voice is from what i would assume is your average 19 year old kid with a boom stick in ww1 going to german trenches

they really should have done some justice and made the player’s voice sound deep, raspy and vindictive.
this is a good example, frank mccullin sounded perfect for this role

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I believe the Player Soldier voice was just downright mockery. If anyone disagrees with my statement, get a statement from the developers/helpers saying that this was not mockery and that the voice actor took his role seriously, performing to the best of his ability. I will gladly admit I was wrong if so.

But what hurts me most is the unforgivable statements: “oH mY gOd jUsT sTaY DoWn” and “hE wAsN’t sO HaRd tO KiLl” and “tHaT wAs tOo eAsY :sunglasses:”

I’ll give them this: they had some good voice lines. But stuff like “oH mY gOd jUsT sTaY DoWn” is something that no American soldier would say or say in the manner that the voice actor says it in. How do I know this? I can read memoirs of American soldiers who wrote detailed accounts of their time-fighting in World War II. Here is some speaking that American Soldiers would be doing in World War 2 that could easily be in Enlisted (From the book, “With the Old Breed” by E. B. Sledge):


Now if you replace the words slant-eyed, nip/nips, and Jap/Japs with Kraut/Krauts and Jerry/Jerries, these phrases can be used interchangeably. All I had to do was go to archive dot org and borrow this book. Also, this was only some of Peleliu; I didn’t even show the Okinawa section…

this is awesome, but too bad that developers chose to copy/paste quotes but in different laungages, it makes them sound robotic.

i remember the old cod 3 quote from a american when he killed a german:

‘‘whats the matter fritz? you’re not used to the enemy shooting back?’’

or even the german quote:

‘‘go home yankee’’

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“Go home Devil”
“Go home GI”
“Don’t make me kill you”
“Die on your feet you cowards”

‘‘you’re going home in a coffin’’

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