They can get the Burton Light Machine Rifle as their main weapon.
It will also be a perfect opportunity to introduce the 92nd Infantry Division to the game. It was the only African-American infantry division to see combat in Europe during WW2.
They can get the Burton Light Machine Rifle as their main weapon.
Sounds like a decent premium squad idea
Pretty sure this weapon had incendiary rounds too, would be a unique feature to add too.
Would great in airfield map for destroying the balloon things
1th gib MG42 100 rounds or MG45 than we can talk
oh good news MG45 is already in the game
I love playing as allies, so I am all in favor of new kit.
At least we don’t have people running around like they used to on the forums saying “nobody should get any content period until Germany gets their 100 round LMG, And no one give the developers money until they add it” lol
Nah first and foremost the M3 Halftrack being put where it belongs
What is that strange rabbit shaped magazines rifle?
Did the 2 magazines use bullets simultaneously or one emptied before the other?
So strange…
So indeed worthy!
It works the same way MP40/1 with it doubble mags from what I know. You need to switch one mag to another.
Would have been cool if both emptied bullets 1 bullet after the other, turn by turn.
But still work.
It’s so bizzare, that I’d like it.
That would likely be an insanely complicated mechanism to automatically feed one then another. You’d probably need 2 alternating bolts that somehow share the same bolt chamber or something that grab from each mag
Talked to my boss about it while typing this and he said have it work kinda like a pen where it has two separate bolt guides that it switches between when unlocking that will grab from the different magazines. It could work…
sounds like something German
I thought that because some arms do use “two magazines” at the same time, like the mg34 patronensomething… but it’s true “both mags” (they’re like 2 magazines but not really) connect to a single intake spot…
Still, I’d like such squad. Weapon is bizzare, and those African guys unique. A bit like the Moroccan squad which I love: running around in desert garb surprises others. Often, friendlies shoot at me, then look at my soldiers for some time in “wtf” moments
We could then have an excuse for a certain socially unacceptable word because “historical context”
Not that anyone who uses said word is intelligent enough to know and use said excuse. Lol
I just like to surprise ppl with strange stuff. Their reactions are funny. Imagine you are new to the game, in Normandy or elsewhere while advancing with your m3, then you see some dudes in robes & turbans, charging ahead while screaming “J’lai eu!!! Va mourir!!! Ah je suis blessé!!!”
Since the squad is no longer available for purchase, those guys are always “what the f ? Who are those guys?”
Allies are often more surprised than enemies and I love it! I love my Kiwi squad for the same reason. Their hats are very stylish
Oh I’m just saying a group of black people in 1940’s America. Lol. But anyways, yeah it’d be a cool squad to use