Idc what feature you add, it SHOULD NEVER BE pay to win, the new rocket arty, which just make it HAVE A LONGER COOLDOWN than normal arty, paratroopers, which you should just limit to 3 paratrooper squads, etc etc

have single locked p2w feature (yes p2w, these features literally gives the player an advantage a f2p cant have, by definition is p2w, for example: paras can be used to ambush, normal infantry can never be used to ambush like paras).

MAKE ALL OF THESE be in the tech tree, spec paras, in either br 2, or 3, limit them to being able to only have 3 paras squads in the team, just like how there can only be 2 tanks used by the team.


I see, new greyparrots.


we should OBV condemn DF and gaijins greediness with a peaceful protest, im TIRED of seeing these cool feature BEING LOCKED, THUS BEING P2W!, IM TIRED OF IT!

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there like 2 now i think but im not gonna mention who


wdym by that?

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i hope it not me, i not complain it p2w
i whining, as it only a 2 min CD 8secs death
compared to arty 4 min 4secs death
seems extremely powerful to have rockets in game every 2 mins


it not you i will tell you now but it someone that quite active

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Is it me :pleading_face:

Jk I’m for paying for stuff. I just wish more items and squads were available regardless of if they are event squads and vehicles or premium. I.E I want to buy the JagPanther squad and I’m unable to do so. These types of squads should be available more frequently or consistently more available.

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The new rocket arty is every 2min cooldown? Damn.

I haven’t played against it yet so I don’t have a true opinion so far.

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Totally unreadable.


Is shown is this video :smile:


dont be worried there will be a same team but as a event team after the gold one

like this

New premium arty having shorter cooldown than free arty = p2w

New premium arty having shorter cooldown than free arty, but deals less damage = okay

New premium arty being able to destroy tanks = p2w

New premium arty being able to destroy tanks, but dealing less damage to infantry = okay

New premium arty having longer barrages = p2w

New premium arty having longer barrages, but having a longer cooldown = okay

Now, how I understood so far how this new Arty type will perform:

  • better cooldown
  • longer barrages
  • takes out tanks
  • rockets dealing more damage

If this actually is true, then this is the most blatant case of pay 2 win Enlisted has seen so far.


I don’t care if some blind man walks into or refuses to escape the fire zone
It’s not without reason that they will die

how to write topic title 101: just put whole suggestion in the title.

if the rocket arty is THAT, we MUST boycott the greediness of DF and gaijin, like making posts and stuff informing them to STOP DOING OBV P2W BULLSHIT, STOP IGNORING VERY OBV NEEDED CHANGES (silver gain being shit, br system being shit), like, wtf man, does the actual dev team have ANY CRITICAL THINKING?, not only longer barrages and can kill tanks BUT ALSO DOES HIGHER DAMAGE TO INFANTRY AND IT HAS A SHORTER COOLDOWN?!.

also what does enlisted_CBT mean?

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what is wrong with that? nothing, at all, anyways.

topic 101: scream at the top of your lun-

you should absolutly complain about game balance, thats how game balance is, if a community sees how shit the game balance is, their gonna complain about it until is balanced, the community is not gonna shut up, this is called constructive critisim.

for example, if a community sees their game is in an unplayable state, they are absolutly gonna complain until their game is fixed, just look at TF2, is fucked in casual by script kitties bot hosters that are literal crimminals. guess what the tf2 community does?, protest until valve stop being a greedy ignorant company and fixes tf2 and as a whole cs2 and l4d, cs2 with similiar problems to tf2 and l4d with ddosing.

closed beta testing

been playing for some time now…

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