Iconic stuff that shouldn't be behind a paywall in a WW2 game

Actually 1942 , December for the Factory Fit MG34 that the loader could operate with a shield, but there are photos of field modifications done prior to that with a protected MG.
Only the Coaxial came in 44’.

So its the Devs being lazy not modeling that in and making the tank more effective.

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I’d recommend Band of Brothers. There’s a section in the series about Market Garden that shows British armor (Cromwells, I think) advancing with Easy Company. At the risk of giving away spoilers, it all goes horribly wrong…

BoB also showed a lot of German half tracks, tanks (other than Tigers) and some support type vehicles, like StuGs, Marders, etc. It’s about 23 years past now, but worth checking out.

I heard that the Churchill tank platoons had just made it to Paris by the time the Allies were advancing into Holland.

Even I could outrun that damn thing and I’m almost 50.

But yes…Matildas are highly unappreciated.

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Nope the premium stug to come to Moscow has 50mm of armor and the same 75mm short gun of the pz IV, only better at tank killing if they give HEAT

Just as I said. We got worse vehicle, but for shekels.