I wonder what April fools is gonna be this time

I hope its not more zombies, i hope its something new and exciting, anyone wanting to share your ideas of what it might be?

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Maybe naval warfare or cyberpunk


Ww1 or new round of modern conflict

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I hope it is going to be proper ww2 event for once.


The april fools event gives the devs some reprieve from constantly working on ww2 stuff. I imagine it will be anything but.

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Cyberpunk could be funny.


The opposite completely, and every soldier is a wizard shooting lighting bolts.


dinosaurs ofc

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Wait zombies weren’t in ww2? :hushed:

I could not care less. I am tired of them constantly putting more effort into lame April events than to normal WW2 themed ones.

That’s an issue Gaijin wide

i would love prop hunt tbh a chill event instead of some team base event


A sort of prop hunt game mode would be fun.

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Imagine prop hunt in berlin. Someone would just take the appreance of a brick or random jerry can and lay on wilhelmstrasse without anyone finding him


well obviously, they wouldnt allow small thing like that they could limit the play area if they do.

some ammo box, tree, car and many other medium to big size object would work

Are you talking about Wolfenstein or the abstract story soldiers in COD?

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Imagine someone taking the form of an entire building. It would be fun

This year´s Aprils fools event will be actually realistic enlisted.


The only April fools I enjoyed was modern conflict (was it April fools?).

Before that and after that it was all walkers/mechs/moon/zombies and other cartoons bullshit.

Hope this year we can see something different but interesting like WW1, Stalingrad turned into Tsaritsyn, Vietnam even using Burma assets, etc.

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It wasn’t April fool.

It was a genuine test devs asked us to participate in, in the form of an event.


Back when they thought what the community want was important I suppose… A gone era.


Oh and another event I really enjoyed, and it was something different: Even Fight!

Preset squads and weapons (mostly historical), no sweatlord load outs with impacts, rifle grenades and such.
And random faction/map before this was even a thing with campaigns.

I really wish we could get another Even Fight, for example Classic Berlin - without AS, AF, RPD and such.

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