I whined about the guerillas, but I was wrong

The lack of engineers on the guerilla squad fixes it for balance. I’ve actually started enjoying their ability to loop around and stab all those risk averse grayzone campers in the back. They don’t have weird spawn mechanics like the paratroopers, i thought they were gonna have this.

So hey, I was wrong, they’re a good addition, I actually like them now. What about you guys?


i dont use them much
I prefer squads with engineer

I use them to ruin other’s people days with hope that DF is going to fix the greyzone gimmick one day.

I still think it’s one of the worst addition to this game ever. It’s extremely toxic and it doesn’t solved the greyzone tanks issue. Guerillas just made a spawn camping a legitimate way how to play.

And it’s nothing easier to build rally point with one of your other squads.


In my experience find them usually quite useless. They are only worth it in urban maps where you can hide in the buildings but on open maps you are immediately getting spotted and killed. I prefer normal assaulters


They are always useless by design. Hunting a greyzone tank with guerrillas will never be as worthy as having actual bodies on the objective. (And that was the main justification for adding them).

And then everything beside that is making hell out of the lives of your enemies.
You’re destroying their rally points in the greyzone, spawncamping them…

They literally do nothing to enhance the gaming experience. They’re just fun for whoever is playing them at the time. Completely unnecessary class.


:sweat_smile: I have not used them any different then any other assaulter squad, meaning, I have yet to take them into the grey zones. I guess in the heat of battle I forget I can do that. :rofl:

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I would agree with this, 75% of my games seems to be the vast majority of players running around chasing kills instead of playing for the objectives. It’s frustrating to constantly be sitting in a capture point, only to look out the window seeing all my team mates running away from the capture point looking for people to kill.

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i " whined " about guerillas… and still do :upside_down_face:

pretty much in line with adamnpee reasons.

like, there’s nothing good out of it beside revenge kill gray tank campers.
which, if it tried to address them, it did the opposite.

it doubled the amount of people camping-trips. ( people that camp in the gray area with their tanks ).

love the uniforms and VS though. mostly for mods…


I hate them everywhere except berlin. Why do we even need to ask the devs to remove vs armbands from moscow? Im fine with pumas in moscow for balancing reasons but clothes should always be as accurate as possible


There are items in editor named ‘drillich no armband’, but they still have armbands on them.
Someone is really half-arsing on the job.

One thing that I experienced using Guerrilla is that if you’re flanking with it and you sneak well or get lucky no one has spotted you, you can eliminate all rally points at possible popular spots from guessing if you know the map well, heavily crippled the opposite team from pushing or defending effectively and sometimes critically result in the match outcome. IDK, sounds like it’s what they are supposed to do but I just feel wrong doing that.

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because they are clueless at best when it comes to appearances. ( and quite more, but i don’t have to say it )

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I think the guerillas are fine and the protests are a bit much. In my view they are at best situationally useful, I have not yet ran into a situation where they would have been used for spawn camping to any material extent on either side of the match. They tend to die before that happens.

It doesn’t solve them, except when it does. :sunglasses:

Also useful for clearing enemy rally points.

expanding the playable area is always welcome, but spawn camping is not, spawns were protected by grey zone for very good reason.
Guerrillas only increased the gap between free to play players and whales.
A f2p player cant really choose a situational squad over a generalist one.

Dont get me wrong, I spend money on Enlisted and others should as well, but players shouldnt be forced to spend money to have a fun time, that is counter productive.


But Guerillas are now in the TT…

guerrillas are exteremly powerful in greyzone camping role, but not so much in playing the actual objectives. A f2p will pick assaulter or mg squad over it.

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Yeah, but you have only 3 infatry slots as f2p player.

i use guerillas as upgraded assulters (and occasionly their actual purpose if i can), why? they literally have the ability to have enemy weapons with the full ammo, so ofc they better than normal assulters

I was just highlighting the fact that guerillas are available in the TT for all players. Whether or not they’re a viable option to use as a F2P player is absolutely open to debate.

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That’s arguable, and only for low BRs.

For high BRs, I will always prefer ARs over gimmicky mechanics that are not even crucial for winning the match itself.