if you join the match and you have bots on your team give us the option to open up our friend list to start inviting players to fill in the gaps.
ah that suggestion from tommy
Clearly. Because the developers have a magic keyboard that adds everything you can think of to the game. Even if it were possible to do something like this, it would be very complicated and expensive. Apart from you, maybe 5 other people would use this function. For those few people, this new feature wouldn’t be worth developing, and developers’ time and money would be better spent elsewhere.
moreover, it could be perfectly abused. You could set the least populated region and invite your friends. So it would be you plus 9 of your friends vs bots and some three players against you.
Still would have been a better option than the stupid king tiger that no one asked for when we could have Had a belt fed MG with 100 rounds or 150 rounds or 200 rounds
That would not make anything better if anything that actually makes things worse because that means there’ll be less XP to go around.
And when I mean invite players I mean like invite two or three or four players and not 9
You don’t know what you want. M1919A6 is a heavy cow that almost no one uses because you are slow with it like you are crawling. Crouched with the M2 Carbine I move faster than the M1919A6 when sprinting. If the Germans were to add a heavy machine gun with 200 rounds, you would move maybe a meter every 10 seconds. Or one soldier would carry the gun and the other the ammunition.
don’t you even start with weapon weight because if you look at the Soviets or the Japanese they do not have this problem and not everything has to be running gun fantasy nightmare hell that everyone seems to love so much.
And don’t forget the allied paratrooper nonsense with their 100 round Vickers they shouldn’t even be able to jump with those damn things.
Billy asked me to join the war? Go ahead!
Fuck you and use me as cannon fodder
Yes, the event weapon that you will see in one of a hundred games is very important. The m1919A6 is the only portable heavy machine gun in the game. The thing is 14kg so yes, I’ll start with the weight.
Go somewhere else because talking to you is pointless in this topic unless you’re gonna address the Japanese and the Soviets and the allies not breaking their legs on the landing
It won’t be useful.
- Many players don’t have much friends.
- Those players that have many friends already form a stack.
True in some cases but sometimes some people just befriend whoever is at the top of the leaderboard And they may not talk to each other but if you invite that person he may respond and help you in some cases or not.
Why should they break their legs? In the real world, paratroopers not only carried their gear, but also their supplies down to the ground. It also happened that the paratrooper had more things on him than he himself weighed.
I’m honestly not sure if you’re a troll or not and jumping with 200 rounds and the Vickers in its own weight is not easy especially with all the other stuff on top of it without some sort of injury especially if you’re dropping into an urban area.
Suggestion title
Suggestion story
Anyway, I would gladly join in my friend’s battle so I don’t have to wait x minutes to play together.
Just make sure that it can’t be abused with stupid mechanics like 9 vets joining in.
it is technically a story but it is the reason why you’re here and nine vets joining won’t achieve anything except make sure everyone loses because there’s not enough XP to go around.
And that also means they’re not terrorizing other matches.
They had it in a box hanging below them. And when the paratroopers dropped, they didn’t drop directly over the enemy, and a large number dropped. When they made the landing, they didn’t fight immediately, they weren’t special forces, they were regular soldiers. Well, at least the American ones.
OK I’m just gonna ignore you at this point and I’m talking about the game not real life so the Germans should have their own belt fed MG with 100 rounds or 150 or 200 rounds
American and German paratroopers jumped with M1919A4s and MG42s, why do you think the Vickers is so unrealistic?