I was banned from the server. I didn't know that and I couldn't play with them

the game brain M55 I was playing on a guy’s server namedI was banned from the server. I didn’t know that and I couldn’t play with them SamuRlTU Similar to this name. I would like to remove the band from me. I play this game every day and I do not know how to remove the band from myself. Please help.

i have no idea wth you just said


ban stays till you either learn to speak english or use google translate.

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I think he’s trying to say he’s been banned from a custom server. And he wants his ban removed somehow. And he needs help…


if you got banned from a custom server, if that is even possible, it’s a custom server, so the developers of enlisted and the community doesn’t have any way to help you, A custom server means someone is hosting it. you’re going to either have to find a different custom server to play or hope some way you can be unbanned from that one by the original host… now there could be a billion reasons why he/she banned you.

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This is what I would like to say, thank you. I must host the original person

I was banned from a dedicated server. I need to be unblocked. How?

Yes, yes, my friend, this is what I would like to say

That’s the problem we can’t help you, nobody controls that server except the server host. its not worth the effort trying to get unbanned from it. just find a different server to play.

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what is your native language? cause I might as well just translate it so you understand better.

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Thank you, my friend. I play this very old game. I have planes and deadly weapons. Give me your account ID so I can add you. M55_PO This is my account. I will add you

My language is Arabic. I hope you understand that :heart::heart::saluting_face:

إذا تم حظرك من خادم مخصص ، إذا كان ذلك ممكنا ، فهو خادم مخصص ، وبالتالي فإن مطوري Enlisted والمجتمع ليس لديهم أي طريقة لمساعدتك ، يعني الخادم المخصص أن شخصا ما يستضيفه. سيتعين عليك إما العثور على خادم مخصص مختلف للعب أو تأمل بطريقة ما أن يتم إلغاء حظرك من ذلك الخادم بواسطة المضيف الأصلي … الآن يمكن أن يكون هناك مليار سبب لحظرك.

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Thank you

no problem.

Can we play together?

Im not really at the moment in the mood to play, i suggest you ask someone on forums

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Well, thank you, my dear brother. Please accept this gift from me :heart::rose: