I want forum look like this!

Posts here get quite messy, one responds to another after some time and it stands as individual comment which is really bad for overall organization.

I suggest taking notes from other social platforms, for every main comment on any thread there’s replies tab that can be expand and collapse, so you can skip subthreads that you’re not interested in.

It is currently possible to see every replies made but it makes the comments stands individually further down on the thread anyway.

I want it to be optional at least.

I disagree. I think it’s better to see every single comment up front and center


so then be it optional

why tho? do you find it comfortable this way or what?

On other platforms sometimes I find it annoying to open each individual thread on a page. It gets muddy having to sift through each thread

I like how this forum is practically an open forum. Where you can see each comment stand out on its own.

It’s just my personal view. I think the forum now is fine

you get annoyed with opening each individual thread and I get annoyed by two people off-topping the whole thread and having to get through it.

we are not the same :laughing:

No thanks facebook is garbage and forces you to click too many times to read comments.

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sometimes it works weird and you have to keep opening the comments, true,

I want to click once and have full thread there.
