I think this new forum is... broken?

so, what i mean is,

this is what appears:

and this is what i actually wrote:

why the answers to, for example, tommy,. do not show up?

what is this.

people quote other people, but we cannot what has been quoted and what has been answered.

also, why there are so many russian tags? when making a tag thread.

so far… not a huge fan of it.

1 Like

Strange. Can you give me the link of this message?

About tags, this is a known issue

This post, with the screenshots and background image, is quite unpleasant for me to read in this new forum.

sure, here:

what is being shown there ( in the pinned comment ), it’s not exactly what i typed.
matter of fact, appears incomplete as provided above in this thread.

because after i replied to Jeden,

i quoted tommy 3 times, and explained him a bunch of stuff.

which it’s not present in the visual replay for anyone.

but this happens in any thread where there are multiple " back & forth " quotes.

another bug that i encountered,

when people left more than 3 likes, you get a notifcation that X liked your post Y ammount of times:


and if you click on it, it doesn’t tell you which one the person liked:

unless one single message has been liked:


Now it’s fine
Looks like it already fixed)


mh, let’s see:

first message

second message

third message

fourth message ( test to see with different members being mentioned )

conclusion, yeah :+1:


if any mod is watching, they can close it.
