Having huge problems
where do i aim
ive tried so many times in training but it only lets you use targets not people to fire at
what part of the reticle do i use
ive tried firing at people even close up like across the water and it still doesnt hit them
please help id so appreciate it
included an image
lets say for example they were at their first window
what number on the reticle do i aim with
thank you
Take for example m photo lets say theres a person in that first window to the left of the target
whatever part of the reticle i use, top part upper top it never seems to kill there wether i use AP or HE ammo
Here you have an indicator where your main gun is aiming. It shows penetration (green → will pen, yellow → may pen, red → won’t pen) and also the bullet drop.
As for MGs you simply have to play and gain experience.
That’s so close you wouldn’t need to worry about shell drop at all so you would use the center crosshair.
The other lines are more of a guide than anything else considering we don’t have rangefinders (not counting more complex range finding methods that ain’t nobody got time for)
So you just learn to eyeball it and adjust your shots as you miss.
so you guys saying if theyr that close i raise it up so im hitting with the center of it not the top?
i just dont understand because if they are say across the river
i use the top and upper top of target and it doesnt so much as hit them even if they are still
I think the curse/crisshair someone highlighted red for you adjust itself for range - where that is where the shell goes for me. I’ve noticed as you aim from a near surface to a distant surface it suddenly moves accordingly, so that’s all I use. Plus its colour tells you if you’re going to penetrate tanks as was said above.
As for MG - I just use the bullet tracers to adjust while firing if I start off target.
tried everybodys tips
im just useless at it
You are using a 37mm unless you hit someone directly you’re not going to do damage
Maggie do you have any problems aiming using tanks in the other campaigns or is it just the Pacific?
Hey, I took those screenshots mostly for another objective but I guess they can help you.
See the yellow cross? That’s were I am aiming, the yellow colour is showing that I have low chance of penetration on that specific spot.
Now see that the same cross is green? I am aiming at a place that my gun can probably penetrate and damage the vehicle.
The same cross will turn red when aiming at a place that there is no chance of penetration and will turn grey when aimed at a “soft” target (a target that does not have armour). That cross that change colors is your aim, is where you are aiming.
As for the numbers and lines on the optics, those are mostly just for visuals, unless you are a tank nerd like half of we on this forum you ain’t going to know how to use them properly so stick to looking at the little cross that change colors.
Go into practice mode, place your vehicle in front of a practice target and try a few shots and places, get used to it, actually is quite fun exploding the practice target tanks and help you develope more familiarity with your enemy vehicles.
Hi sorry i think i should have clarified more what i was saying
I do not have problem hitting other tanks
even from distance
It is hitting infantry with my tank no matter what ammo i use, i cant hit them even from close up or far
When using the engineers built anti air craft guns etc i have no problem hitting infantry
but my tank just isnt shooting infantry this is the problem
As for infantry you either need a direct hit - tricky at distance with moving targets and the length of time the shell takes to get there - or hit the ground/structure right behind one or a group. That seems to work for me - multiple infantry kills with 1 HE shell. Got to think the shell isn’t going to detonate unless it hits something - which has to be (or be next to) what you want to kill.
Unfortunately you can’t practice Vs infantry. Would be nice to add bots to the practice area though.
ive been using shells not machine guns to hit infantry LOL!