I sense a big summer event incoming

No worries mate. Also makes sense if you think about the anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Manchuria coming up this month.


Dude events make the game that much more satisfying. I feel like things would be A LOT more dull without em. Need even more if anything. I love it when there is a smaller sub event paired with a much larger one.

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“Now day im touching grass” (exactly 20 character)


No I don’t think so, the summer event was the past one, even if another event pop up would be a very small one, also in the middle of August everyone stop working for good so and Dev need their annual break to


They also changed the background picture on the Steam library page. Interesting.

I hope we’ll be able to get that shermam skin. I already asked, but my question was successfully ignored.

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I enjoy the events because it gives me the opportunity to unlock weapons and squads I wouldn’t otherwise have access too plus I think the main reason their always running events is to beef up the player base

You are not kidding that Panzerwerfer was on the left.

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Japan BR5 paratroopers, AR Engineers, free APC and a bike with mg.


Major said that the devs are ‘potentially’ considering an AR option for the US. That is enough of an hint I guess.

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Both nations need them with AR Engineers just like Ger/Sov. I also wish we would get APC event for Soviets too and their bike that is already in the files.

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I don’t get the word “considering” when they promised AR engineers for all factions


It’s a bit unclear as of now. He said it may or may not come. Nothing is fixed. They are just looking at some options.

Yeah. Same here as well.

The promised Super Pershing and it’s still not there, we haven’t got any update about it in months.


Lol, I honestly already forget about that xD


So do devs


Isn’t the super Pershing tease with Ho-Ri? I find it quite ironic that Ho-Ri finish before the super Pershing tbh

It is still not ready after several months lol.

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