I sense a big summer event incoming

Don’t you?

-Post must be at least 20 characters-


We had an event with 4 squads, wasn’t that big enough? I hope we can finally rest until Autumn.

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Well, it depends. I expect BP season to be postponed. And with new season, I expect some QoL bigger update to be released. And day after that, new big event.

But that’s just my guess.

I hope not, I like events.


Do you really think they’re going to let us go on vacation without an August event?

Plus, it seems to me that permanent event mode has become more or less an established thing.


Well, you need to keep the game alive, baby.


I mean it certainly does feel like today or tomorrow something gonna happen but idk what maybe it just that economy announcement that major hint yesterday

let’s see tonight

I dont know man even WT this year doesent have that big of Summer event infact they havent had big events in quite a while this years summer event is F14A Tomcat the version that was sold to Iran last big summer event I can remember was Operation summer 2018 which was 2 part event and it gave you IS-7

There are many new events that can be held, and there are many new related contents.
But they may be postponed.
The latest news should be: the difficulties encountered in formulating the “New Economic Reform Plan” and the difficulties encountered in designing the “Veteran Box”. They may no longer be about to be completed, but start from scratch.

Although I hope to see these important development reports today~

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I just want an event BR V paratrooper squad for Japan. Like come on. It is high time already.


that message was me misreading the whole thing sorry

anyway, yea they do need one

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No worries mate. Also makes sense if you think about the anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Manchuria coming up this month.


Dude events make the game that much more satisfying. I feel like things would be A LOT more dull without em. Need even more if anything. I love it when there is a smaller sub event paired with a much larger one.

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“Now day im touching grass” (exactly 20 character)


No I don’t think so, the summer event was the past one, even if another event pop up would be a very small one, also in the middle of August everyone stop working for good so and Dev need their annual break to


They also changed the background picture on the Steam library page. Interesting.

I hope we’ll be able to get that shermam skin. I already asked, but my question was successfully ignored.

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I enjoy the events because it gives me the opportunity to unlock weapons and squads I wouldn’t otherwise have access too plus I think the main reason their always running events is to beef up the player base