So, I still consider myself a newb (I don’t go above BRIII if I can help it…) but tonight, I did one of the cooler things I’ve done.
I was playing Soviet BRIII, and it really felt more like a BRII match (except for the few minutes I had my flamethrower out…)but I was moving my APC from one objective to the next b/c it and my (parts of) my unit had survived.
I saw a few enemy stragglers hanging around waiting to take it out, so I held back, then I saw an enemy tank around the corner and ahead 150M, so I continued to hold back (I usually use my APCs 99 times out of 100 soley as a mobile spawn points).
Well, a German fighter flies over head. I poke out and get a few shots on it, one hits! I couldn’t believe it. I almost never use that .50 cal on the thing except for the occasional soldier kill (and rarely for that b/c I don’t want to advertise my location).
Well, low and behold the fighter turns around to take another pass at me to take me out! So, I swing the APC around so I can get my machine gun in line and I’ll be danged if I didn’t take out the plane. LOL. He was headed straight for me, so it made targeting particularly easy.
I know, I know. Big whoop, but it was still fun as hell. Simple minds, simple pleasures and all that.