I read "Germany and Italy" in the forum but where is Italy?

Same old topic here: Please make the british and italians a new faction each, and give italians some winter clothes already, the british was given in Ardennes but italians dont have in Stalingrad! Nowadays I barely see a model (in german clothes) wich talks italian they were washed out utterly! Like the game is losing content…


Are there enough gears for br 1 to br5? or even br4 for these two faction?

No lmao

you actually dont need those, because italians or the british would be in the presence of germans or americans in every scenario.

Meaning, there’s no point of them having seperate factions :joy:


except you cannot recruit italian soldiers, you might be reasonable. still what I wrote in the title is correct. I would like to see italian soldiers in italian uniforms since we have english ones too… I like diversity and I like to see other nations in a ww2 game not just the classic ones.

You should be able to select if you want to recruit Italian or German soldiers(same with Allies) from the Soldier enlistment window

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where is Italy?

It’s just south of Switzerland and Austria, east of France and west of the Balkans. It’s that funny boot peninsula in Europe.

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I think they’re planning a faction split because they added M3 Lee and M4A1 which are practically identical to the already existing M3 Grant and Sherman II.

They already said this is not planned, this was said after the two tank was added.

M3 Lee: easy copy paste from Soviet premium.
M4A1: Already made and intended for Pacific campaign, if not added that will be a waste of resource.
It is pretty common for dev to add some copy paste stuff.



Italy sure has the potential.
They had enough equipment, weapons and vhicles for all BRs including but not limited to:
2 different assault rifles,
1 beltfed machinegun,
many Semi-Auto rifles,
a couple of AT rifles,
an AT mortar lancher,
the Panzerfaust from germany(like the russians have rn),
a couple AT grenades,
an Incediary grenade,
a light mortar,
faction unique variants of AA gun, MG nest, HMG nest and AT gun,
many ground attack aircraft,
many excelent fighter aircraft,
a decent Medium Tank, and
2 options for a semi-paper design late-war Heavy Tank(Ho-Ri is in the game so dont give excuses when it comes to paper vehicles)

Im sick of people pretending like an independent Italian faction is impossible, its not!

I personally used to consider the British and Italians their own factions.
