The neural network was created by a person and learned from the results of human paintings)
quality=price, ask darkflow to pay him more, the drawings he posts on twitter are something else entirely
Even neural networks draw better than the enlisted artist, only the artist gets paid for it, let the developers offer him a reward and I’m sure he will do better.
Why should he pay at all, if you can give it to the players, they will draw it themselves and get in line to receive a reward from the developers in the game currency.
And that banana was plucked, bought and stuck by man. The fact that an activity contains a human factor does not mean that it is an art imao
AI only copy “other” similiar style from the net and mix them, you can do the same, but you can say is your art?
I don’t care, I need a result.
most of the artists arent usually even employed by the company, but are paid by commission. someone sees art style they like and commission what they want. same thing is with music and voice acting.
Result=money understand it
That’s why I suggest giving it to the players, they will make avatars themselves, why feed a mediocre artist?
%90 plus of playerbase i guess
Of course, that’s why players would be able to make avatars and get the result for it - money from developers in game currency to their account. And if the result was good, then it wouldn’t matter to me what these avatars were made in, in paint, Photoshop or in a neural network
Middle ground: Let people choose their own profile pic from their own harddrive folders.
The most probably scenario with this one is the game invaded by “dick”
People can alread drawn them on tanks.
Because no one reported this, remind wen people was drawings the Z on their tank? Patched in 3 days
And do they pay me for it?
The internet is full of good profile picture examples.
If you’re interested in my opinion of how it should look like this: Oily or classic poster style of those years, with dark tones and a dull overall atmosphere. Immediately I see something on the verge of caricatures that does not fit the setting.
Of course, if I could choose an artist, I would choose Jakub Rozalski. If only he had stooped to drawing portraits for Enlisted). I really like his series of works on Iron harvest.
some 24 years ago CS also did this with spray image and on public servers we had goatse.
Moar booba