I personally admit this game's infantry part now is rolled back to pre CBT! Look at moscow's conquest rallypoint forbid zone!

Anyone can use a rally point when it is built, it helped new players, if anything.

This update will destroy and discourage new players because we can just camp in the direction of the normal spawn when you take a point and makes it easier for bombers to spawncamp as well because the spawning options are extremely limited.


All they have to do in my opinion is decrease the range to around 50-55 meters. I get that on some maps 37 meters was kinda close but this change is absolutely ridiculous, if you check out the other user’s maps from this thread he made to show what little options you do have on some maps now.

55 meters would allow us to have flanking options and less predictable emplacements.

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This is exactly why I said this part:

This doesn’t change a thing about a newer player’s experience if they have no veterans around. However it does severely limit an experienced player’s gameplay. Overall this change didn’t do much other than annoy those who used engineers.


Supposedly it’s being rolled back because it’s been ‘overdone’


seems to be the standard for gaijin games. just think of a number and fucking plug it in without even thinking of the consequences.


Maybe because players who always build Rally Points have a much higher win rate than players who never build Rally Point in big data statistics. So the developer intends to destroy the playability of engineers to balance these high winning players. :sweat_smile: Which I think is destroying the game, and driving the old players to leave.


Yeah, instead of nerfing shit into the ground they should make engineers worthwhile to play by buffing the point gain

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It sounds more like devs are using heatmaps to see that too much of the map is being unused, and are using the rally boundary to create wider flanking and by extension greater path variety.

They forgot the critical step - make the maps bigger. Grey area is too restrictive currently.


Moscow, Tunisia, and half of Normandy has more than enough unused space within map bounds.

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Nah, moscow maps are way too small. Airfield also doesn’t offer enough opportunity for tank flanks, same with le bre

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The only part of moscow that feels tight to me are the first 2 points of Fortified District invasion, and I think that’s only because the objectives are too close to one edge of the map and not the other.

Restricting rally points does not encourage flanking, but instead just brainless holding w to get into the first point for 120-200 meters as your squad is whittled down the whole walk.

If rally points can only be built on flanks, then flank-rallies will be the fastest way to the point in most cases.

If the community is too stupid to adapt, that’s on them.

I will agree that the developer add the radius to 100m if we have this size of map~