I, once again, ask DF to add these simple vehicle decals

DF never bothered to add single Balkenkreuz for Germany, White Star for US, and Red Star for USSR. There are many other decals but these three probably the basic one that need to be added. These decals are already in WT, why not adding them to Enlisted as well.

White Star
Red Star


I’ve suggested this 3 months ago and yet here I am, suggesting the same thing again: Please add all of these national decals



3 months may be enough time for devs to fix a bug.
(To be clear, it’s not a complaint, it’s a statement.)


Hopefully after merge they can focus on more customization options.

Something ive been investing into more as I max out various squads


Looks like the feature has been abandoned. The only new decals added have been from events :skull_and_crossbones: pretty lame

it’s not like those are not in the game either :skull:

( as well as patch insignas … )

now, the first ones are the actual vehicle decals a bit stretched because were not designed for the format of the jacket. but after some testings and what not, i found those

but yeah, those are there.


Same shit with DAK tropical uniform. Man, I feel like DF is too lazy to implement all these stuff that’s already existed in the editor.

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I like those decals, (tho I do think they should be free or be already on vehicles).

Too lazy or maybe they want to leave aesthetics for the last stages. Given the fact that they need to work on several things at the same time.

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i want this one


just some history for you all
oberfeldwebel langhammer was/is (subjective) credited for sinking a aged british(or french) destroyer in the harbor of boulogne during 1940, said destoryer was evacuating troops and was engaged by two panzer 4’s

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