I lost TWO squads to a tank while standing in a BUNKER!

How can a tank kill two of my squads when I am in a bunker, but I can’t kill “ANYONE” with a bomb standing under a ROOF of any type, not even a grass hut roof? :thinking: Is there anyone at DF who even has a clue as to calculating battle damage? If you don’t want a bomb to penetrate a roof that’s fine, then tank rounds SHOULD NOT be able to penetrate a wall, it’s not rocket science.

Dark Force, yes, I am calling you out once again to fix this bullshit, and I am going to continue to call you out till you do. Does anyone from DF even read our suggestions, or are we just pissing into the wind?


Did the bunker have a window where a bot might have been visible, or were there bots outside the bunker? HE shells behave weird if it hits 1 soldier, can chain react and kill a bunch of soldiers like you’re casting chain lightning in an MMO


Maybe a small window?
The HE is nasty - and sometimes a headshot with a HE shell only is a hit marker…


Yes, I’ve had many times where I would directly shoot a soldier with an HE shell, either in head or body, and only got white hit marker but no red damage marker. It makes for funny moments when HE shell is either a dud round or OP and wipes half the enemy team

Show the replay first?

There is a window, but not close to where I am my squad were, we were at the back of the bunker and there was a wall between us and the window, and we were lower then the window. I keep hearing this window theory, but I can tell you its BS :rofl:. I have quoted this before, but I have lost squads in Rzhev by tanks shooting all the way through the church. Yes, there are windows in that church, but not at the lower level behind the building at basement level. I have even had squads killed in the basement on the back side of the same building. I wouldn’t care, if DF would be even between planes and tanks.

That aside, it’s completely ridiculous that I cannot kill anyone with any size bomb through any roof, whether it be concrete, wood, sheet metal or grass.

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Thats because soldiers are entities. The HE shells have bigger blast radius if they hit entities

The explosion takes the path of the least resistance so it will not spread though walls or roofs. The only realistic way you would get such kills if the roof collapsed on your enemies but most buildings can’t be destroyed.

A tank’s shell also cannot destroy a bunker or penetrate it, but it can fire HE shells inside it through narrow gaps like a door, firing port or other openning, the important difference that these explode inside! Thus the explosion is trapped inside thus amplifying the effect since due to the concrete walls there is no easy path, “the explosion will “bounce” from wall to wall”.

Yeah, but shouldn’t I be able to kill people in log cabins where the roof is gone? Or in the Russian tank factory where a lot of the roof is gone? I don’t get many kills with bombs in either of those places either. And the fact that I cannot kill anyone in a grass hut is rather disturbing :smile:. It seems to me that DF is to lazy to designate different damage to different type roofs. A horse stable roof wouldn’t stop anything, nor would a wooden barracks roof, or mechanic garage which I assume would have a thin sheet metal or wood roof. I understand, but there is no way that I should have had two squads killed on the back side of a Rzhev church, and a third in the same church, inside the basement. This is the incident several months ago that really set me off. The tank was on the other side of the building I marked and back a further, but somehow manage to kill three squads completely through a building, and all three were below ground at basement level. A glitch? IDK, but even with a glitch, there is zero way I shouldn’t be able to kill someone under a wooden, sheet metal or grass roof. :rofl: A multi story building? Yeah, I can understand that.

Most likely the tank hit a stupid AI soldier that decided to go on a jog, the shell hitting the retarded exploded in all directions killing you and other soldiers in the process.


Make sure your soldiers aren’t standing near windows. If even one guy is hit by the HE, it uses his body as a medium to amplify the size of the explosion.

Tanks and rifle mounted grenade launchers can fire their projectiles through windows and doors without issue so this is likely the reason you keep dying to that.

The complete opposite happened to me the other day:

A direct hit of HE and he just uses a medpack and he’s fine, irl he’d be in pieces all over the place.



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Did he loan a body armor from Ivan? Works as intended!

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I believe it’s due to how the explosion is modeled. Especially with how it interacts with walls vs flesh. If you det an HE shell off a wall, you get roughly half its area of effect or less depending on the space around the wall. If you det a shell on a man with no obstacles around to protect the men around the poor sap that got direct impacted, then you get the FULL area of effect and kill the most amount of people possible as the explosion extends to behind the man as well, not just in front of him like it would with a wall
Assuming the AoE is a sphere that is
So you either get a half sphere off a wall or a full sphere off a fleshbag with the fleshbag being the epicenter

Make sense?