Can I ask, why aren’t we even deserving of the opportunity to purchase the half track? If I were to be willing to pay 24.99 to play in the United states Half track would you listen to me fair darkflow?

This is the closest thing I could find and you shoved it right before the M9 bazooka and the flamethrower just to spite the new recruits. Would you at least tell me what the promo would be if you implemented it correctly? Or perhaps, were not even worthy of that in you’re eyes. 
What I’m more or less getting at is, maybe things not ought be rushed so quickly in the future?
Just wait. They always release an event shortly after major updates. We will probably get US halftrack then
because as confirmed by several helpers,
there will be an event where you will be able to unlock halftracks.
nothing much is known, beside that the allies will be getting the m3 and the axis a sdkfz 251/1.
as a side speculation yet to be confirmed, james, the community manager possibly agreed / hinted that the japanese will get the Ho-ha
possibly for chirstmas, or new year.
but, of confirmed, there’s only that we know the vehicles are in the editor and will be in the game at some point through the event.
nothing more.
as usual, take it with a grain of salt, because everything can change from now to the actual introduction of these vehicles.