I hear that BR5 is a mess, but why?

The Soviets still have fewer reinforcements and a long time to capture points.


can’t really say much about consoles as i’m on pc.

but stuka dive bombing anything works.

literally, it’s the easiest thing one can do.

heck, people even suicide bomb just to get that tank.

and… sometimes works.

but nothing beats precise dive bombing on a tank.

just spam some marks in the trees, or where there are tracers, alling your self on high attitude and dive bomb the hell of it.

worked for me ( and pretty much anyone else ) everytime.

so… planes can deal with just about anything.
if you do things correctly. which do not require much effort either.

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No, the whole game is messed up
Moreover, DF does not have any balance patches after the merger.


Dude you know that P40E, T50 and T28E exist?