I hear that BR5 is a mess, but why?

Why would I need this garbage if I have a bayonet? I can dig a hole to build a remp.

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Well, your G43 Kurz squad is lazing around with shovels. So… Your squad with the best gun in the game (arguably) can’t even charge.

You can do better!

Ok, this sounds right.
Though on the other hand, that’s what ppl wanted, isn’t it. And yet ‘they’ complain.


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If you like resistance, then come to us, on BR2. I will personally show you a strong resistance so that you can enjoy the process.

No it’s not.
At least, not everybody, not me for sure.
IMHO all battles should always be mixed.
One player is better than you, another is equal and another is worse.
A good mix. Good battle.
When everybody is the same, that will not give good battles at all.
Example: if you let Messi play football against Messi, it will not be good at all to watch.
But if Messi plays against other players (almost all worse than him) it’s nice to watch.
This is not difficult to understand but they made a big mistake on this point.


The issue is you often get one team where everyone it BR 5, vs a team that has barely any player. Given that 90% of the playerbase (I am certainly exaggerating but you get the idea) at higher BR is playing Germany BR 5, you end up in battle with 10 german BR 4/5 players vs 3/4 US/Soviet players of BR 3/5.

At least that was pretty much my experience when playing BR4/5 axis, it was much more chill than any BR 2 game because there is barely anyone to fight you.

All I see at BR 2 are Pz IV J vs T28/Grant…

The German faction should have been separated in to eastern and western front, since it’s very overpopulated in comparison to Soviet and western allies. And that’s the main reason.
It’s basically Tunisian scenario but in bigger scale.

But it’s way too late to make 2 German factions.

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I mean ppl who supported the idea of max BR mm. I guess they all play BR5 now?



Poor Soviets they are so underpowered with totally not OP PPS-43 and 76mm gun on BR-7 that can destroy even Tiger E and both are at BR2.
BR5 is even worse with Fedorov (superior to STG44), AVT-40 (superior to FG42 II) and PPSh-41 spam. RD-44 got buffed by a ton and now it can be used as an smg that 2 hits anything.

I guess they all play BR 5 germany


I have a feeling this post will soon require staff attnetion.

Spoilered it out. They should do it automatically after you post more than two images




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Its incredibly hard for me to accurately hit a tank with plane bombs and I’m not a bad player to begin with. I have to imagine the large majority of players can’t do so either. Also takes forever to resupply if you miss.


Kirali is very weak


how did I break the rules of the forum?
I told the truth - the germans are the strongest faction in the game at any rank


Like spam and being offtopic?
If you want to complain about OP germany, go to your topic.

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And yeah Kiraly is kinda weak at mid ranges since it bounces so much. PPSh-41 is better overall.

PS i have never said that that BT-7A can pen Tiger E frontally but i can flank extremely well and attack sides of Tiger E which are pretty weak. Since we are put into Stalingrad 80% of the time flanking is not a problem.
Axis is only the stronger when compared to the Soviets in your fanfiction. In reality they are inferior to the Soviets.

kindly remind , no personal insults or things that don’t contribute to the topic.