I find it funny the only Paratroopers with proper Luftwaffe markings are ones that can’t even use their parachutes


Did they actually wear Luftwaffe tunics under their Fallschirmschützenbluse? I can’t see it in any historical photos, it seems like it’s only a thing with toys. Was the Luftwaffe tunic with combat troops normally only a thing with the Luftwaffe-Feld divisions?


I can’t find any photos either, as you said they’re only seen on toys but I’ve seen pictures of Luftwaffe jackets that have Luftwaffe collar patches that could easily be used as an undergarments, I guess my main question is why wear Wehrmacht collar patches when they’re part of the Luftwaffe?

I’m far from an expert, but it seems that the Luftwaffe jackets were reserved for non-frontline infantry, and when they were pressed into service as infantry (Luftwaffe-Feld divisions) they either acquired other tunics or covered their tunics with camo smocks. So fallschirmjägers that are actually jumping would be properly equipped with dedicated purpose-built kit and be wearing some other kind of tunic beneath their fallschirmschützenbluse.

But that’s a bit of a guess on my part.


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