I finally did my little dream

Finally I did what I always wanted, equip 3 Squad with AVS36 and use only that, and to make sure I didn’t miss anything I did it with the other factions as well





Why not use rifleman squads though that would be more efficient in killing enemies wouldn’t it?

Because bigger bot squad aren’t my taste, just use the rifleman squad in Japanese BR1 because I’m to lazy to grind or purchase level for another engineer squad, also I get used with engineer, machinegunner, assaulter squad order from When I start to play

I can’t really blame you, back in Berlin campaign I had the Charlemange flamethrower squad packed only with FG42 IIs.

I have SF only squads for just Japan and Western allies. I dont like FGs and AVT/AVS that much…

Btw, why dont you have a prem account active? You have 55k golds lmao…

I always wanted do that but because German until recently dint get their full auto SF I always avoided spam SF with other faction

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Buy damn premium account.

Why AVS but not AVT?
(Personally I guess understand your choice but still why?)

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Avs look better as the fg1 look better than fg2, just this, same for the T20 instead of m2

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AVS have best look among every SF rifle.
In this sense, I admit that soviets are op here.


actually a 9-guy squad costs the same Manpower as a smaller squad does. so if you playin’ all select-fires, a rifleman squad will be better.


More bots: more soldiers to manage and look after not to mention the extra risks like increased chance of getting spotted, juicer target for vehicles ect…

They do snowball if attacket team gets many infantry squads in the objective though.

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