I feel the game especially laggy recently. What does this icon mean?

This icon on the top-right corner, what is it?
I used to feel no laggy, but recently it is very laggy. I meet same question on another Gaijin’s game, the CRSED (a TPS battle royale).

That’s a low fps icon: https://support.gaijin.net/hc/en-us/articles/4405544398481-Internet-connection-icons

Thx mate. But why? It used to be just fine. I’m playing on a laptop with an RTX 2060. Never experienced such stuff. My computer wasn’t overheated either.

this is fortune telling at this point. there are numerous reasons on why you could experience this issue:

  • overheating (did you check temperature with hwinfo or similar tool?)
  • some program in background hogging resources (did you install something new recently?)
  • hardware failure
  • something completely random

Recently the Game had an mantenaince probably thats the why, also i think that they are imoplementing all the patch notes mentioned yesterday…

I’ve had some frame jerking lately too - just the last 2 days, and while my rig isn’t top notch any more I’ve got a 3070 and i7-12000-ish (I think)

Your rig is more than plenty, for all games, nevermind Enlisted. :smiley:

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Yeah I know - was the point I was making :slight_smile:

Joys of being an old whale :slight_smile:

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