I demand an explanation on how "Best engineer" is calculated




How the hell did he get the “Best engineer” award?


apparently best engineer happen to other people because they got the most kill

Pretty simple, best engineer is most score as that soldier class

The best builder award is for the best engineering score tho


Oh, I didn’t know those were separate things.
That clears some thing up.

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Engineer points are first and foremost
Actions with an Engineer, aka killing people, also count towards it. How can I tell? When I get best AT Gunner without killing a single tank, but I used my AT Gunner as a Rifleman throughout the match. Can only assume it applies to most if not all roles equally

It sucks and needs to be changed. I contently give up my kill rate to plant rally points, ammo etc. The only thing I really get for it is that I helped my side to get closer to the battle.


That’s kind of the point… (pun intended) :wink:

I am aware of that, bigboy, but some more XP for my effort would be nice.

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You get XP for building the rally, and XP every time someone uses it.

yea but im pretty sure i dont get xp when my tank trap block a tank (unless it does?)

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Please read what I said “more XP”, more recognition for all ones efforts within the battle. Surely the engineer doing the most work to help the teem, close to the action should win best engineer, not the guy that kills more people while being one?

There is already best builder award.

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Build more ammo points, AA, AT, and obstacles. More builds=more XP, more chance for the battle hero award.

You are missing the point. I am talking about the best Engineer award, I am aware of all the other points that are there to be had. What pee’s me off is that someone can plant one rally point, then because he shot up lot’s of people, win best engineer.

well best engineer is who got most score with engineer class soldier. best builder for engineer with most things built.

before builder was introduced people were pissed about this, but at least now you get award for building things.

Yes Robihr that is a step in the right direction :+1:


I had a game where someone had like single digits in building and got Best Engineer (and I had in the hundreds) - and got no badge at all that match and was kinda annoyed.

I get that there’s a best builder and separately a best engineer, but I still think it’s stupid. I’d rather not have a separate badge for that at all.


Unless the game took into account the amount of points made by kills of engineering weapons - AT guns, machine gun emplacements, etc.

If THAT made up the “Best Engineer” score, then I could see the point. Based on the info on the Enlisted Spreadsheet, I can’t tell if that’s true or not (doesn’t look like it).

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