I can't play the map I want

I am the German army (br3), and I want to enter the Normandy map, but I cannot choose. I always have to exit and start a new game, so can you standardize it.


I don’t think darkflow will do anything about it. Your best bet is to use br 4 Germans. You might have a better chance to get a Normandy map with br 4 but still not guaranteed.

BR3 may enter all battlefields except Pacific, and the probability of entering Normandy is not high.

If you really like Normandy, you can use a BR5 German queue, which will give you a 50% chance of entering Normandy. If you don’t have a BR5 weapon, you can use a golden weapon order to exchange for a BR5 weapon and equip it.

However, it may not be a good idea for the BR3 queue to enter Normandy, considering the weapon disadvantage.

Not really.
With BR 4-5 Germany, you can end up in Berlin, Stalingrad, Normandy, Ardennes.
That’s 25% chance of getting Normandy.
But it is still higher than with BR3.

Now the Ardennes belongs to Normandy in the matchmaking system

There is a bot that can monitor map and player status of Enlisted in real-time (We can do this by tracking the public replays on the official website). The result is that if you divide Stalingrad’s replay count by 2 and add it to Berlin’s replay count, it is roughly equal to Normandy’s replay count. So theoretically, if you don’t consider Ardennes, your probability of entering Normandy in BR5 is roughly 1/2. Considering there are only a limited amount of Ardennes maps, this probability will not decrease too much.

This is a dominant height replay, it belongs to Normandy in the current replay system.

I would really like the mods to make a sticky post on this forum that gets updated by them regularly, informing us exactly of the current rules of the game:

  • Which BR are matched together
  • Which maps do you get with which BR

Sometimes things change, get added or moved, each time I need to search the forum to find a correct answer but mostly it’s difficult or impossible to find.
I see many posts, people doing their best to inform but info is sometimes incorrect or conflicting with other info or simply unfindable.



Doesn’t make any sense. OP wanted Normandy maps, not Normandy + Ardennes maps.
They only share same BR queue, same as does Moscow adn Tunisia. But they’re not the same.

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At the beginning after the merge i played quite a lot normandy at BR5, but now the chance is really low…

the moderation team does not have that information, I would have to ask @Euthymia07 or @James_Grove

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