I am working on a gungame mod, how can i remove the timer of the end of the game?

As the title says. I am working on a big gun game mod and i finished building it, but somehow after i tested it, the game ends about 4 levels before the actual final level… what can i do about it?

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That shouldn’t happen. Send me the BLK.
EDIT: I think you left some team settings on. Check if respawnCost is 0, and capture penalty is also 0.


Here i captured the screenshot, the timer was 2 seconds before expiring… I think it maybe happens because the enemy team had 0 points?

Yes. Seems because of this.
You should set team__squadSpawnCost in team entity to 0.
And be sure that team_deathPenalty and team__deathPenaltyByMember are too 0.
If you used invasion capture points then be sure that team__capturePenalty is too 0 if you want only gun game.


Again you saved my mod :slight_smile: One more question perhaps? I added a navmesh but in mod editor, the bots do not move from spawn points?

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Did you added any capture points?

No because i made a gungame mod, i added battleareas though

You need it because bots will not move without any points.
Try use domination capture points (Bazsi37, pls help with names and some properties).
Hide them by enable property always_hide (don’t remember correctly).

Where would i put the domination capture point without it showing up in the mod?

Anywhere. I don’t know. It’s your map.
Bots just will try capture it and go to capture point area.
Hide property is only for players.