I am once again asking for premium Federov MG to be moved to BR4/ Maybe even BR3!

TLDR; Federov MG is the sole 25rd mg in BR5 & shit. It would be fair to bad in BR4, matched roughly to Johnson in power and loosing out severely to Type Hei LMG. It would be very strong in BR3 as stands. Please change its BR.

Adding up their stats, the Federov MG STILL comes out as the worst LMG in BR4, AND ITS NOT EVEN A BR4 WEAPON.

Can we please move this thing to where it belongs? There are zero 25 round mag MGs in BR4 & 5 except the Johnson, which belongs there due to its ROF/DPS at least.

Federov MG BR5 / Type Hei Auto Para LMG BR4 / Johnson MG BR4

Damage10m 12.6 / 13.9 / 13.2
Damage100m 9.8 / 10.8/ 11.9
Clip Size 25 / 30 / 20
ROF 570 / 790 / 990
Recoil 17/5 - 13/5 - 36/11
Sprint 70% / 65% / 75%

=== As a percentage performance to Fed MG===
Damage10m 100% / 110% / 105%
Damage100m 100% / 110% / 121%
Clip 100% / 120% / 80%
ROF 100% / 139% / 174%
Recoil 100% - 122% - 46% (added actual recoil )

=== As a percentage Avg vs Fed MG ===
Federov Total 100%.
Type Hei Para LMG 120.2%
Johnson LMG 105.2%

Federov is still the worst of these, and its a BR higher then every other weapon listed. Im not putting belt fed/pan fed weapons here cause they will only make it look even worse.

Aka even as a clip fed weapon, there’s no performance reason its up in this BR. BR4 its still worst in class but theres a case to be made there. At BR3 it would be strong, but with limited mag capacity not very much so over its peers.

If you want to give Soviets a BR5 clip fed MG weapon these exist

Degtyarev DTM-4



Sad story of overnerfed weapon.
Federov MG was pretty unique weapon back then. Now it’s just dull and boring. Wouldn’t be that interesting even at BR4.

Kinda shame. But whatever.


Pre RD44/Maxim Tokarev maybe there was a point. Even at current stats maybe it would be Strong at BR3 only. Its Still worst in class in BR4 and nearly unplayable in BR5 (trust me I tried).


Better idea: Type Hei Auto Para LMG BR5


Thats totally fine, (I didnt even factor in its Gun shield for example) But the FedMG compares even slightly worse to the Johnson MG BR4, which is no considered very strong at all.

Im using these since theyre the only small capacity clip fed MGs at high tier. Everything else like this is BR3 and lower, for a good reason.

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Seem like your recoil percentage is reciprocal.
Johnson LMG have larger single shot recoil and RPM makes it much more difficult to control.
It’s not better than Fedorov MG.

And Fedrov MG got 0 moving penalty (so does Type hei MG)

Ur misreading it, the average recoil is inverted, ie 46% here is a net negative of Federov recoil (ie anything over 100% beats the Federov, ie almost every statistic, except this).

Hence why at the end the Johnson on average is only a little bit better than Fed at roughly %5+. Recoil is is the big part of why it doesnt insta beat the Federov.

All other statistics ADS, moving penalty etc really complicate things, the base statics here tell enough to be honest.

Completely outdated stats.

The shield alone makes it a BR6 gun

Literally useless gimmick. I don’t even remember the last time I got hit to shield.

Which is a shame, because once that shield falls off. It makes playing with that weapon much more comfortable.

If anything, higher ammo reserve is much more significant than some tiny shield, lol.

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Perhaps you notice mags and piece of metal blocks the barrel view so sight picture won’t be very good with 4 mags and metal piece blocking your view also funny thing two triggers exist (observing the picture) which means each trigger controls two barrel which means you can’t shoot 4 at the same time .
Best guess is this was a tank MG I don’t think this will work .

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most of the time i die before the shield even got hit tbh it just there for the sake of being there ngl


Tank MG, but we have multiple field conversions of AA emplacements as well.

Id honestly welcome the chance to have something so cumbersome, so hard to reload, with such poor sights - that Id open a new thread to have its BR lowered, just like Federov MG SQUAD :rofl: :pinched_fingers:

We’ll forward moving it to BR IV

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Topic is now closed

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