Hyde Carbine and Type Hei LMG

I have wanted to see these guns in the game for quite a while now, as have many others. They are interesting and unique weapons and possibly could be used for the upcoming assault engineer event squads for USA and Japan, or maybe used as gold order/event guns or even tech tree unlocks.

  • M1944 Hyde Carbine:

    This gun is chambered in .30 carbine designed by George Hyde in 1944. This is quite a heavy weapon meaning it should have been quite controllable even with its high RoF of over 600 rpm. It uses 20-30 round magazines and also has a quick-change barrel mechanism copied from the German MG-42. This could make a nice counterpart to the StG assault rifle.

  • Type Hei Light Machine Gun:
    And this very interesting piece was an LMG designed by Dr. Masaya Kawamura in 1938., who went on to design machine guns for the JSDF. It was chambered in 6.5 Arisaka and used 10-20 round magazines, it also had the ability to mount a small shield against shrapnel. This MG had a high rate of fire which caused low reliability and ultimately its rejection. This would be nice to have against late tier american guns, such as the M2 carbine.


Type Hei LMG could be an imperial fedorov :ok_hand:


I mean the Type Hei LMG, it’s right in the name. So it shouldn’t be for Engineers.

No, but it almost literally would be. They shoot the same round, have similar mag sizes (20 for the type hei vs 25 for the federov), and weigh roughly the same (the federov is very slightly heavier). They’d actually be extremely similar.


The lmg is only the name. It is more like an automatic rifle considering its weight.

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Both make sense.

It would be fair to include the Type Hei LMG seeing as how the US gets the Johnson Machine Gun, which is also a fast-firing 20-round-magazine LMG.

It would also be fair to include the Hyde Carbine as an addition to the M2 Carbine, seeing as how the Germans get both the MP-43 and the STG-44.


Problem is; this will be the tier 5 weapon for japan but balance is not just about infantry weapons.
What japan have to counter american jumbos, pershings and p47s ?
We saw that strongest japanese at weapons couldnt deal with jumbo.

I don’t think Jumbos should be in the Pacific because they didn’t serve there

Theoretically possible because they were sent to Okinawa but the battle finished when they arrived.

Regardless I’d say the later Japanese tanks will be able to fight Shermans. Just because you can’t one shot it from the front doesn’t mean you can’t damage it elsewhere

And I have suggested Heavy AA guns that can also be used as AT guns, being a more powerful weapon against tanks.

Just shoot it down

Br will not work that way.
Pershing has better cannon and armor than jumbo. Jumbo will be either tier 4 or share place tier 5 with pershings.
So, let see pershing but not juöbo will not work anyways.
And i am not talking about " destroying with 1 hit"
I am talking about totally incapable of any penetration.
Have you been in test servees lol ?
It seems that you clearly havent

Theoretically even sonnengewehr is possible.
Devs added as-44 as a standart weapon which only 7 prototype or something existed and never saw a battle
Devs can add lighsabers at this point

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I know and I am obviously up to date on the latest developments for the overhaul

I am just in the camp, side, faction that wants the “BR” or whatever to be a bit more historical. So that’s why I said I wouldn’t have Jumbos in the Pacific

With the Pershing I somewhat lean towards not even having them in the Pacific. It’s not like the European Jumbos because they were meant to fight at D-Day and arrived late but the war was still going on they began their service from that point. But the Pacific war was basically over by the time the Pershings arrived.

If anything under my logic the Japanese wouldn’t ever need to worry about Jumbos and Pershings

Just my thoughts

Jumbos did arrive 2 weeks before overlord operation officialy has ended but im not sure have they saw any combat.