While messing around on the test range, I made a huge discovery.
This video only demonstrates the very basics, but I found more:
Video is erratic because I was recording trying to figure out how to replicate it.
I found out how to order bots to throw frag grenades. At least on xbox.
If you hold the button to switch to a grenade (LB on xbox, I assume 5 works on PC), your bots will all throw their frag grenades, and only their frag grenades.
Typically they throw them in a random direction, but if you have a red marker on the ground, they’ll throw their frags at the marker.
Demonstration of bots throwing grenades at a marker-
They’re not very good at it, but they have the general direction down. If the marker is too close, they’ll go back to throwing in random directions.
Update: tried replicating on PC and 5 does not work
Update update: holding G works on PC. So the downside is unlike xbox you’ll throw too
they’ll also cook their grenades for as long as you hold the button, and release their grenades earlier if you release the button
in the same sense on PC, holding N causes all of your bots to throw their detpacks in unison
you could do that before by using the order button to order them to attack a tank, and it’s a lot more precise, but not nearly as fast as 9 synchronized det packs.
Well, an “attack armored target” order is the only one I know of that causes bots to throw molotovs on their own.
I have a suspicion this feature was a recent stealth patch because I’ve used G, N, and the comma key for grenades for a long time on PC without ever noticeably causing this to happen.
It really wasn’t until I was in a test battle where I noticed 2 of my bots throw their frag grenades at the same time for no apparent reason.
Very good find! I think it’s most useful for smoke grenades. Each assaulter of my squads as a grenade pouch with a smoke grenade, the bots tend to throw the grenades a bit short, that creates a nice smoke path to the target.