Hud replays

How can I remove the hud in replays?

ctrl + shift + g

or F6/F8 ( changeable )


thank you

another question, how i can delete the post?

You cant

Only moderators have the admin privalage for delete answered post

below your text, there should be tree dots:


you press it once, and then theres the bin:


after 24h, it will be deleted.

in case you are not able ( because time has passed or because there are many replays ) you can ask by mentioning ( or pms ) a mod to delete it.

for this occasion though, i might suggest you to keep it. so many people ( hopefully ) will find your post and get the answer instead of opening a new one. but you do you.

are you… really willing to die on this hill?

You cant delete already answered topic, are you stupid

yes you can

i have done it in the past

No you cant

OP asked for delete main post dumbass

Already answered main post, the first messagge cant be deleted, withaut a moderator

Dumbass i know not answered topic can be deleted by us but this one already have reply and cant be closed

Erika ma che ti fumi a torino mandamene un po

can be closed.

stop mi-spreading false information as per-your usual.

I open a ticket now you reply i show you the reality

unfortunately, i was mistaken. and thankfully, Gastano corrected me.

you are no longer able to close threads if they got replies.

therefore, you need pm or dm a mod to close the thread for you.


It’s strange that you haven’t known this for almost two years.

cuz maybe was a thing ?

Well, in any case, it was always possible to delete topics only in the first minutes, when there are no replys yet.


Hard to me