How we love Conquest Mode


??? what happened here? why did you deserted?

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Classic stuff most of the team leave even tho they are gonna win anyway


Personally I don’t mind conquest. It’s a nice change of pace from constant invasions. I can use the map a bit more rather than being forced into a chokepoint. You can get a bit more creative.


I enjoy them too. There are a couple of bad maps tho like OP’s one is pretty bad since they are all in caves and Oasis is also pretty bad since it’s all in the open. I think the best one in the game is the 6 point Berlin one with Stalingrad train station coming in second

Classic answer is : it bad to get exp with vehicule

Try imagine an extreme boring game with no point. I was the only one running, capping, to run again to another cap. Oh no, this mode is boring.

My problem with conquest that most of the action happens around one objective and the other two objectives are usually empty, making the match boring.
You either fight to death for a meaningless objective or spend half of your time hiking back and forth between two objectives basically.


Buy a treadmill if you like running that much :rofl:

I don’t run any more than in other modes so… skill issue?

Well, maybe we could avoid that by having less - or more capture points, so that the map designs would change for a kind of front line structure, like… you know, instead of every one fighting at “B”, now two objectives are equally far away for both teams

Eh could just remove it tbh I don’t think most people here would be sad (I would be kinda sad but whatever it for the greater good after all)

Still better than assault tho imo (I never like assault tbh too much brain required)

Issue with Conquest is map and choice of CP locations. The ticket increasement only increases suffer on bad maps and maybe makes the 5CP Berlin map more interesting. I think it makes more sense to increase xp earning etc. there but devs and certain GOP-players do not want to earn more because that is “LiTteRaLlY” communism.

In my experience they always devolve into enemy rally point egghunt/running between caps/rebuilding your own rally 50 fucking times per match

Most of the time I build a rally and then simply attack the point or deffend it from hordes. Not much different from the invasion except I have more acces to the map.