How ton distinguish US gear from Britain's one

Hello here, I’m making me crazy to try to put only US gear to my US squads, I’m loosing so much time ton search on google to find similar picture of what we have ingame, because they do not make any difference in the tools, medkits etc between those (french version of the game) and OMG they mixed color etc…

It look like the medkit we have at the start of the game on US squads is an english one + the US starter kit (shop) give the other medkit instead.

So I already loose like 25000 silver to buy and sell things when my mind changed.

What I think now is US : (please fix)

-Green medkit with black strap
-Dual top door toolbox with triangle shape
-Triangle shaped shovel
-Wood axe
-Bowie knife with leather grip
-Green bags
-Pouchs with Specific button (flat with center pin)
-Green mines with yellow stripe
-Aluminium bottle
-Westinghouse M3 goggles
-MK2 grenade
-Grey phosphore’s grenade with yellow stripe

Is that right?

Thank you.


Yeah, that’s right

Ok nice, thank you.

Sorry for typo I can’t edit my posts

I have the same issue now with distinguising US/UK gear










I guess I can google them one by one but maybe someone has assembled a sorted list already?

  • For flask
    The metal one which you Have 9 is American and the other one is British
  • For binoculars
    Westi is American
    E/239 is British
  • for grenades
    AN-M8 smoke is American
    Molotov is universal(Finns gave it the name Molotov after Molotov a soviet diplomat)
    M15 is American
    NO.77 is British
    MK2 is American
    Mills is British
    explosive pack is universal
    No.69 is British
  • Tool boxes and medkits
    The toll box wich you have 5 of is American
    and the other one British
    The medkit with green color is American
    And the one wich you have 170 is British
  • AP and AT
    first AP is British(I think A.P. Shrapnel Mine is the name)
    And green one is American
    TNT is universal
    First AT mine is British (AT mine mk5)
    second one is American
  • About backpacks and such I have no Idea
  • Pistols
    Enfield and Webley are british
    M1911A1,Colt and S&W are American
    Browning Hi power is used by British mostly but its Belgiun
  • Short sovel is American
    Big shovel is British (I think)
    Fancy axe is british and normal Axe is american

Hey look juts up there :slight_smile:

small correction;

( and to aid )


the small us one it’s supposed to be the paratroopers backpack ( M1936 ),

and the large us is the M1928

large uk backpack is the p37 backpack

small uk backpack i believe it’s a p37 bag


Anyone know how to distinguish between German and Italian stuff?
