How to upgrade the Toz-B?

Whenever I tried to upgrade the Toz-B the game tell me “To research weapon upgrades, you first need to get appropriate squad”, but there is no squad that allow the upgrade of the Toz.B.
Is this a bug or haven’t the squad that allow the upgrade for the Toz-B been added to the game yet?

Isn’t that in the assaulter squad? You need to upgrade the “green” tech tree in that squad.

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Spend bronze until you get literally any other weapon


Shitters got shotguns nerfed don’t bother using that thing

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Just disassemble it and use a PPD

Is in assaulter 2 upgrade
Gg dev


Thank you :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I have like sixteen 1 star Toz-B from trying to get the SVT from spending the bronze orders. The Toz-B is a bit doodoo.

Use svt dont buy avs dont worth

The best way is to ask devs to “upgrade” it:


How to upgrade Toz-B
That is the fun part… you don´t. Shotguns are more useless than Mas-36 (and that means something)

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Mas 36 now i understand wy france lose after a month


Yeah, I don´t get why we have mas-36 in the first place. That thing makes nagant revolver look like an actual and up to date weapon.

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Its more a pistol than a rifle is interesting to master but mannllicher 1886 he knows how to make himself loved

The Toz is for assaulters II ? … Wut?
What were they thinking :laughing:

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It used to do over 2500 damage? wow!
I’ve only been playing enlisted for a couple of weeks, so the Toz-B used to kill people with 1 shot without downing them?

Still does, at literally point blank range.

Can’t disassemble or upgrade it until you get assauler 2 squad.

You get it very early, but can’t get rid of it. I would give it to tankers to avoid seeing that crap but not even that is possible

Sometimes it still does that at point-blank range… I even had situations where toz didn´t even down the enemy at point-blank but killed on the second shot.
However, there are situations, where you are unable to kill with both shots even on point-blank range which is really frustrating.

Shotguns should have stayed the way they were, up until Berlin literally no one complained about them being too OP because everyone knew how situational and inferior to SMG they are. And the only reason why people complained about them in Berlin open alpha testing was, that axis got predefined 5 LD squad, while soviets didn´t (you can imagine how that went in close quarters combat of Berlin). Thus, skewed data= shotguns too OP no matter how much of a bullcrap such statement was and still is.