I may be alone on this,but I personally find shooting enemy planes down from the ground to be very satisfying.this method may not be much useful for your team or give much XP, but it’s something to do when you get tired of dying 24/7.I do this every now and then just to get a bit of XP for Japan and have fun shooting down some allied planes,which are almost always up in the Pacific.this may become the primary way I play high BR japan after the upcoming update with how much stuff the US is getting that will make fighting head on a nightmare.
step 1:bring the Ta-Se (while you are a more detectible target then AA guns,you can much more easily relocate) and as many squads that can build AA guns (preferably that have radio operators)
step 2:find an out of the way area in your greyzone to put your AA gun or park your Ta-Se
step 3:wait,and a short time later you should encounter an enemy plane
step 4:shoot down the plane or attempt to
step 5:while waiting for the next plane,call in artillery if available and replenish ammo if necessary