How to pull 4 BR on Moscow and generally reconcile all players for historicity

I understand that comment, yet I believe that the normal common play matchmaking should be able to host and retain relative historical accuracy. To just tell players to goto Custom Games is to push people into a game mode that is very low in player counts as well as being unable to rank up and gain XP for their tech tree/campaign progression.


So i just keep quitting games untill I get to play with gear I want ?

Quite sure its very low player count as you put it, that is concerned about HA.


You cannot have historical and balanced with a br mm.


Then why are we doing a merge to begin with? Because in all three test servers even balance never worked apparently. So I’d say just keep the game the way it is. If anything, the merge has thrown up a giant fuss on both sides of the enlisted community. Neither balance or HA is being maintained in any test servers. So it looks like the merge will just fail. Let’s face it, the merge will fix nothing for those who want a initiated player base and it will stay divided no matter what you do to the game.


And some posts I’ve read about going to customs have a good point. We wouldn’t want to play customs just to play the game the way it is now. Some people do but not most people. If anything like I said, just keep the game the way it is and abandon the merge since it’s never going to work.


Okay for me,

Only after they adding a start button to join a custom gamemode battle.

The logic of the start button finds the appropriate room in the lobby and automatically joins the game.

At the same time, add appropriate grinding XP in custom game modes and allow players to complete daily tasks in them.

The start button and XP grinding and allow players to finish daily battle pass missions is very important and fair

Otherwise, the talk of driving players to customs is nonsense.

Yes add a start game button for big Action gamemode~

Comment for OP
The OP’s suggestion is very good considering the different weapon combinations as well as the accuracy of the historical atmosphere.

But I don’t really like the part about banning player combinations.

Enlisted is a squad-based game where players have varying numbers of weapons.

Different numbers of weapons and their different combinations should be calculated as different Battle Ratings

I think simply adding up the fractions is a more flexible solution, so I’ll paste it here.

I think it could work with some sort of map and historical accuracy mechanic.

Addresses issues such as carrying 1 ppsh into early campaign maps.

I think fg42 should also be able to enter early campaigns, fg42 was used in history in 1941

The premise is to consider their volume rather than non-restriction spam


Ja. Lets do it the German way and dont change anything because change bad.
Those boring unfun bot farms have their shine I guess

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I’m not a fan of BR, so I don’t think BR should exist.
I believe the relative historical accuracy is far greater than a supposed balance brought on by a battle rating system. The entire game was developed and designed to be a game with relative historical accuracy and a beacon of light in a gaming world where everything is mashed up into one game map/mode with no specific theater of war and conflict.
Enlisted has now pushed for a BR system and if they forsake history over balance, they will not grow because there will be no reason to play a harder version of BFV or CoD. What makes enlisted stand out is the gritty gameplay and nature of the historical settings and event areas.

Again, you can’t balance your way into being a good player. You can’t balance a game to make sweaty people less sweaty and good. It’s redundant and foolish.


Sure because some matches you just want to chill, yeah they’re boring sometimes but some other times we need them to just unwind after a competitive match


Yeah humans are overrated anyway.
And earning money as a company.
Money is overrated.

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EXACTLY! This game has a learning curve to it. That’s all. And trust me I used to be a noob, I’ve been there and done it with progressing through fighting in sweat matches with bolt action rifles. I know how it is, trust me.


I mean money kind of is overrated sometimes :man_shrugging: Ngl.

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Why should we take you guys seriously again?

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Because i have played the game and understand how it’s not meant for solo players, rather it’s a teamwork based game.

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Nicholson - Laugh

Funny how you’re trying to get personal with the insults btw. But keep on


I think your reaction to botfarms is kinda contrary bjt tbf I doubt you guys actually read what you write because no sane man would write that.

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Wait? You want to be taken seriously?
Shit, thats even better.

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My friend, if I were you I wouldn’t waste your time. Unfortunately this fellow isn’t our friend and isn’t on the same page of our game playing ideas. I wouldn’t waste any more time discussing with someone who has to resort to belittling comments and obscene reactions. You and I are on the same page and there are many more players online across the Internet, other than this here and listed form. I see many people on YouTube comments, as well as on other forms of media, and many of these people all would really care to see the merge be taken with serious caution in order to preserve relative historical accuracy. none of us would mind a battle rating system so as long as historical accuracy is kept to a close yet varying degree.


Agreed. Rather make the merge carefully or discard it if all test servers with the merge fails.

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Please refrain from derailing the topic and sending insults.

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