How to patch players profile with some preset squads? Or its a Feature Request

Issue case, the map of the custom game mode mainly uses the player’s own squad.

I know we can replace the player’s own squad with custom_profile.

But I dont want to replace it.

I hope to keep the player’s own settings and add several preset squads on top of this. So that players of different levels can play the game better.

Some players have a very low grinding level or choose a factions that they rarely grind with 4 members squads to enter the game, which makes it difficult for them to have a balance battle in the game with other players who are armed to the teeth.

I’d like to add several preset base squads for each player, while still allowing all players to use the things they’ve earn and customized and buy in the main game.

:face_with_monocle: Since this is about profiles squads, I’m not sure if this feature request will increase the difficulty to the request about grinding XP in custom games, I hope the developers can design a suitable solution