How to make roads on the mods editor?

Hello, I have a couple of questions for those who know how to use the mods editor, I’m trying to make a mission for the Pacific:

  • Can you create rivers or edit existing ones? I’ve tried to look on the tools but I can’t seem to find anything about it

  • how to add sand texture or basically edit the shores on the rivers?

  • how to add a road texture? I’ve look for it but I couldn’t find it

and lastly any tips for terrain deformation? is kinda clunky trying to use I want to try to make trenches, thanks in advance to anyone who could help me with this

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I would also like to know that

Can you create rivers or edit existing ones? I’ve tried to look on the tools but I can’t seem to find anything about it

how to add sand texture or basically edit the shores on the rivers?

how to add a road texture? I’ve look for it but I couldn’t find it

That’s the neat part. You don’t.

Textures and rivers are baked into the level binary file and this is not an SDK but a more simpler mission editor. You can use rendinsts to create pavements or promenades to create road-like stuff.

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