With matches like these and 5 to 10X in a row can you blame any of them for quitting permanently or atleast temporarily?
Matches like these are so one sided where is the fun in that?
Normally rank mean nothing (to me) but the above pictures actually have high level players with their flammers, MGII troops and 500KG bombers.
I have been very patient with this game hence why am only playing 1 to 4 matches a day just to do the daily tasks for the battlepass and then i never touch it again for the whole day, whenever i wanna boot up the game again the thought of these matches just makes me dont wanna.
a team of not rally builders.
if a i see im the only one, i get angry and spawn in a plane.
pacific is not tunisia
there is no excuse.
I destroy my rally and then desert.
You dont need rally explode if player desert
Sadly, a lot of the people have been leaving Axis to go to allies.
My average game used to be 8 v 10 or 6 v 8 ect which is survivable. I’m a good enough player that a few extra on the opposing team is not a real problem. However now it is 1-2 v 8-10. That is making playing Axis a challenge.
And of course it creates a treadmill effect. People don’t like getting stomped or rolled, so they switch to the perceived better side.
This is why a basic MM to make sure just an equal number of players on each side combined with say a bonus for those who put play either side on would be most helpful.
I actually am shocked how quickly the population switched. I guess all the M13 and AA spam into defensible structures pushed them that way.
It sucks because its an enjoyable BA friendly campaign.
not that friendly
everyone on allies goes with auto.
and they will cap points fast.
so you with your bolt action dont do shit.
and the type 99 …
Really this shit was identified as an issue as early as CBT and the devs still haven’t implemented a tool to control these animals.
How to make player quit?
Make a bad, exploitable game, and proceed to make it worse rather than fixing it
Why not just give Japan an XP bonus or something until the campaign is balanced?
Recently, extreme imbalances have become the norm on all possible fronts.
Soviets in Moscow, Soviets in Berlin, Axis in Normandy, Allies in Tunisia, Soviets in Stalingrad, and US forces in the Pacific.
If you want to always win by shooting dumb bots running from respawn points without thinking, fight in the above factions.
If you join the other side, you will not win whether you get 350 kills or 15,000 points.
Because the second place is always limited to about 2000 score.
People staying away from Pacific axis is why it’s terrible.
Claiming things like “type hei is bad” is moot when nobody on the axis team is high enough level to use it to begin with.
I’m high enough and it sucks, best standard rifle for Axis side here is Arisaka 38 Rifle.
Point being Japanese teams have no high level players to begin with, and constantly face stacked high level teams.
I spawned in a Ta Se and started getting firing squadded by bazookas. Don’t see that shit happening to M13s
pacific axis confrontation
i will leave instantly
and this is today’s match, whats the point of playing if all matches are going to be like this?
theres no fight at all only one sided oppression. So people saying player base is small, well maybe its cause the separate campaigns and matches like these are the biggest issues.
In a grind based game there is no incentive to stay on a loosing batle.
The issue starts in game design.
I guess not nearly as many players are quitting as they should. Otherwise developers would have at least tried to do something. Or maybe they just don’t care. It’s Eternal Crusade all over again, only less scummy.
am guessing they are just being patient but don’t play as much like myself
Noted lack of spawn points/engineer builds 46 vs 9! Did your side leave their hammers behind?
Engineers can help win games even if balance is shit and well positioned spawn points allow your troops to roll over capture points.