How to make custom tanks with entities.blk

Currently, I’ve been trying to make my own tank, the St. Chamond 210, which is templated off of the StuG III F

I’ve been having trouble with getting the kill log name to work, I’m at a loss as to what to do.

Here is the entities.blk file and the local blk file for the St. Chamond.

If anybody knows how to solve the issue, please let me know.

entities.blk.txt (38.7 KB)
st_chamond_210.blk.txt (46.9 KB)

This is what happens when I edit the killLogName entity btw

You need to edit or create a BLK for the weapon, and edit selWeaponVar, and the killog should work.

Weapon BLKs are in Datamine\enlisted-game.vromfs.bin_u\gamedata\weapons