How to have youre UK Italy factions and not increase que numbers

Creating premium content for current nations is a dead-end option; it will not attract new players, as there is no truly new content. Online will fall if you don’t add something new, even adding new maps won’t help. The game should begin to developing truly new content in at least 1.5-2 years and the best option would be the separation of Britain and Italy

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and why should i lose the ability to use mixed ones if i do have them?

which you can add them as a sub faction.

just like italy and the commonwealth are.

which both the germans and US were present.

i really don’t get what is the issue of having everything under the same faction.

literally there are 0 negatives. you get access to german or us weapons too.

Except you won’t be selling much if you make most of those stuff available as a nation.

UK and italy are for the most part, premium units.

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no one’s suggesting we take anything away from you. only adding new stuff. If u want to play germans dressed up like italians go on.

separating the italians from germans, and having their own TT, does imply a separation.

of which if it is just like wt, your equipment will be transfered.

so it kinda is.

U think Italy and UK dont have enough weapons and vehicles to add them in premium squads? U r wrong

fairly sure i’m not wrong.

given how most of UK and italian equipment is premium.

i doubt they are just gonna make it a TT for those who desires.

not to mention, many people keep asking for p40s. chromwells etc.

but they all forget that those are not a thing yet.

and given the current weapons for specific brs and what not, they are lacking at most.

italians in the tank compartment and weapons compartment, uk is slighlty better equipped.

if anything, you’d be better off just adding as suggestions each weapon, proto and what not under the current existing nations.

instead of separating them for… no apparent reason.

I wanna play with italian squads, italian soldiers, using italian weapon and tanks. Now italy is dead, the only normal weapons are carcano mod38 on 1br and beretta m1918 on 2br, tank - semovente on 1br

I forgot Armaguerra, but it’s not convenient for everyone

but you can still do just that.

use the italian squads, unlock the italian weapons, and you will be fine. ( or buy those italians premium squads )

they did also mentioned that you will be able to change nationality of your soldiers, so if someone speaks germans, you will be able to change it to italians. same goes for us and uk.

not really.

there’s only the cosmetic issues not carrying over where those should.

Why do I get the feeling this will result in italian soldiers becoming german everywhere except Tunisia

I cant, there are no italian assaults, normal italian weapons, normal italian vehicles

wt? It’s a whole different game.
Enlisted has already been experience with merging, I’m sure nothing will be forcibly transferred. GE players keeps their Italian stuff
Plus in campaign times you could transfer weapons to other campaigns but it was at the player’s request and at the player’s cards.

It’s like German trans-italian crossdresser and it’s sux