How to guide bots to a designed Marker/Waypoint then allow them to disperse toward obj?

Hi I am trying to get bots to move toward an area and then once at an area they will then push toward the capture point.

Is there such a mechanism that allows focus attack areas? Be sweet to select a zone on a map (make a box) that is a “Hot” Zone that will make bots move / look at more routinely / decide to go to area.


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Well… Bots will try move to capture point. They’re kinda waypoint.
One of ways: Put many hidden neutral capture points that can be fastly captured.
Or… Edit bots pathfinder. You can put some rendinst that block path, then rebuild navmesh and after that remove rendinsts. Something like it:

I built wall for block paths for all bots. And then rebuilt NavMesh and deleted these rendinsts. After that bots will not use this path.


Use X to place them in certain areas you want. If you look at an objective and click X on it, it will highlight and they will push toward that objective

Nice stuff. I just made an update to one of my mods and now all the bots just stand still and if anything they look away from the obj. ahah . Like what did I just do… Thinking I uploaded a BIN vs BLK so the bots are using the BIN for routing vs the BLK will require the server to generate it on the fly? as the BLK is only 78K while the BIN is 450K+ and now the bots are stuck. hmm.


Sweet example of the navmesh generation with /without obj. Be nice to have an Anti-Navmesh obj. that would be transparent shape and not keep you adding the object / deleting it before testing. "Just toggle / untoggle active route…

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Ohh you mean “during play” . I am meaning like during development of the Mod so that Bots will focus on a area before an objective is taken.

The multiple -Along the way- objective is the true solution it seems.

But yes… During play it is quite nice to tell your squad where to go with the “X” :slight_smile:

Also… IIRC… Need to add battle area to make bots move in navMesh area.

I must of deleted it accidently during last edit… As I have a battle area over the complete map that is Player Neutral.

So yeah… I think I may have things all wrong…

One big battle area Box = Bad

I think this is also part of the issue the bots are now not moving.

I will try to see if a BLK vs BIN will make the bots behave differently.

you can see my battle area box. I will work on smaller battle areas and see what happens…

Red arrows show the battle box around whole map that set to 0 - “Any team”

You will need to upload bin file. And it’s okay if it have more weight then blk file. It’s because of navMesh file patch.

What about navMesh? You tried to build it after that you return back battle area? What game shows when you click on Toolbox NavMesh button?

Probably better to set it to -1.

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Yeah, I found that Engineers get the message “Cannont built outside battle area” So I think this is truely due to the fact that the battle area box is Team Value of " Zero / 0" … Tricky to get this right with a tiny map where spawns are close to obj. I will work on more battle areas and see what happens.


I was testing with the Base Objetives and I am quite impressed as the 2 bots split up and each took one objective that was closest to their spawns. So in a sence I made them push forward.

If there is a way to make objectives only aware of bots so humans do not see the objectives I would love to see that.