How to correct the aim of auto_mg42 or is there another alternative to a sentry gun in enlisted

Is is possible to copy the AI of the aircraft carrier defense gun and paste it onto something like a type93 HMG? Or maybe we can at least copy the whole gun and paste it onto a house?
I am currently making a zombie map and want to try and make it more funny so i was thinking if an AI controlled mg would be good for defending the house against some zombies


Probably easier will be use auto_mg and edit gun__shells, animchar__res and team properties. But… It will be controlled by invisible thing. You can put some soldier menu animchar to HMG.

I don’t know, but probably yes. Using entities.blk need to add all tags and edit weapon.

You need ai soldier nearbly HMG, right? It will be hard to do. In theory you can try make HMG as vehicle (like these flak) or just attach soldier to HMG.

I will try later. But now i need to finish my homework.

Well, actually no. I want something like a sentry gun, just like those in call of duty. I once saw someone making ai aa guns.
Annnnd i found that video!
Thats what i want, but instead its anti-zombie/-ground.

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unfortunately, those were made specifically for AA. and the targeting cannot be changed. not to mention, those said AA as well as cannon from the carriers ignores walls and smokes.

me and devenddar ( mostly him ) only found out how to get working APC with AI gunner and AI tanks.
but that’s about it.
as far as it goes, we haven’t found a working solution to have AI gunners on emplacements.

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But will it be controlled by an invisible thing?

If it moves and shoots, then its already fine. That will be a sentry gun, for players and enemies. We can make a map where we can assault ai controlled base in which there are sentry guns made of m2 brownings or mg131s. Even ampuloments!

I am having so much fun with this

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Ok the auto_mg does work, but their aim is very terrible. They always aim a little too high so then end up hitting nothing. Is there any fix for that?
I have changed the topic to how to make the auto_mg aim better or is there other alternative to a sentry gun in enlisted
Btw gun__shells only work for player fired rounds. The mg ignores that and fire 7.92 rounds as it should

LMAO you think this is overkill?? Nope zombies can walk right through. Only the roof is getting melted

@Devenddar Please help me test if there is a fix for their targeting issue.
I have also posted a bug report here: Community Bug Reporting System
If it ever gets fixed lmao.

Well… You can check properties and edit them. And auto_mg have auto_gun_controller__targetOffset. It had 0,1,0. So that is why it shot a bit higher.